Review is a good thing!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Sorry Troops...feel free to look thru old challenges even great ones from previous poster....brain freeze today! Coffee!!!!

Fight my fierce ones!


  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Ah yes, coffee would be nice. My daughter said she would make me some but here it a couple hours later no coffee. Okay, I have a challenge, be stress free. Do you have tension? Do something relaxing. I sure need to. After paying (more like juggling) the bills, a cup of coffee and Hallmark movie will hit the relaxation button for me. How about you? What do you do to relax?
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Stress. I like to read, watch a good movie. sometimes cooking gives me a great release and chilling with my friends helps too! It all depends on type of stress. Believe it or not walking w/o the iPOD and just look and listen to nature helps a lot too!
    I pray a lot too! Journaling is great release for me too!
    Today I feel more exhausted...I think in USA we run too much and don't take time to enjoy life! We think if we are not running somehow we are inefficient! What?!?!? Soooo running self to a tizzy is cool?
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    After you have been up for awhile, how do you feel today? I hope you feel restored.

    I too choose to not have the radio on at times. Because we do not have AC in the truck, the noise from the windows and traffic drown out the radio, making it just another annoying sound. My kids do not like it but I will keep the radio off and either listen to their chatter (as long as it is not bickering) or what I like best is trying to see something new on a regular route. I never grow tired of nature. I even oooh over the common squirrel. A park in Garden City, close to where we use to live, the squirrels are use to being fed peanuts by the patrons. It is not unusual to see a squirrel eating out of someones hand. At this park there is no segregation. The squirrels set the example of peace; black, grey, red; thin, fat, short, or long; color nor size does not matter to them. The way God intended.

    Whenever possible, I choose to walk. I love walking. Riding a bike not so much. I rode my bike two days last week and I was crying like a baby. Yes, I had cheese with my whine. At any rate, walking is my way of slowing life down. Although my husband might beg to differ. He is always asking me to slow down my walking.

    I have kept journals periodically throughout my life. I have not done so in years because I tend to focus on the negative and then get stuck there. Which is ironic. With everyone else I am optimistic; I can see the wonder in the blunder. Yet when it is me, I zoom in on the bad. I have also written some pretty corny poems and short stories. Nothing I would publish.

    As for praying, I use to pray a lot more than I do now. I am working my way back to Him as I am on this journey to appreciate me. The way I see it, if I want to appreciate me then I need to appreciate Him and what He has blessed me with. I think I am trying to figure out who I am, what He purposed me for, and what that purpose is.

    Well, I am sure I could go on about all sorts of things but for your sake I will say good-day. Smile be happy. Hope that song does not get stuck in your head, smile be happy. It sure is humming in my head. Hmm do you think He is trying to tell me something? ;)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Stress is a good topic. I find that exercising helps me handle stress. Getting my energy going by working out at the gym for a half hour raises my mood and evens out my stress level. The other thing that helps me with regard to stressing out over losing weight is to fill out my food diary as the day passes. There's something about staying on track that calms me down. Also once it's written down I can stop stressing over what I'm going to eat.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ms Jackueling that is so true! The writing as you go! I really do believe in exercise and how it helps produce the 'happy' hormones...