argh I want it to be official

acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
So if you have been following me on here then you would know about mall guy. Well, we still hang out and such (and yes he has turned around....even my roomies like him now). But we are coming up to four months of I really dont know what we are. And I really like him like being his gf but why hasnt he asked me yet? its been almost four months


  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Who cares about labels? If you're having a good time together, keep it going and keep it simple.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    I sounds stupid but I kinda crave that title like I HATE saying that Im single. Plus I dont know if i sound crazy for this but theres some type of ownership to it because hes SO hott like even my friends will say so and well honestly he could do like 10x better than me
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    Maybe he assumes your two are official? Or he's waiting for you to ask him (some guys assume that the woman will talk about "being in a relationship"). Or he just wants to be officially single. Until you two talk about it, you'll never know... Sorry if there's some detail that I don't know about.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    You are into into hm or the label? Labels do nothing and guarantee nothing. Even marriage guarantees nothing and means nothing to most. Just enjoy what you have and dont chase him away with pressure about labels.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I sounds stupid but I kinda crave that title like I HATE saying that Im single. Plus I dont know if i sound crazy for this but theres some type of ownership to it because hes SO hott like even my friends will say so and well honestly he could do like 10x better than me

    Then tell people you are in a relationship if you desire the title so much. Construct your own reality! And who cares if he could do better than you? He's with you at the moment, right? Go with it! Keep it light and fun.
    You are into into hm or the label? Labels do nothing and guarantee nothing. Even marriage guarantees nothing and means nothing to most. Just enjoy what you have and dont chase him away with pressure about labels.

    Yes, exactly. Marriage means very little to a lot of people. People also get married for the wrong reasons all the time. Sure, there is an appeal in being able to be part of a couple, but the best parts of being a couple are the times when the couple is along together, separated from outside influence.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Well, we still hang out and such (and yes he has turned around....even my roomies like him now). But we are coming up to four months of I really dont know what we are. And I really like him like being his gf but why hasnt he asked me yet? its been almost four months

    Is hanging out considering dating to you? Is it considered dating to him?
    I would just ask him, "what do you call me to other people if they ask who I am?"
    I also just assume that these days, people don't ask, "will you be my girlfriend?" You just become it after starting to steadily date someone.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I love having a hot girlfriend. I can only say that I have a hot girlfriend because I asked her to be my girlfriend. Are you afraid to ask him to be your hot boyfriend?
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I would caution you not to just "assume" you are in a "relationship." I had a guy I was seeing every/every other weekend for a couple months, and was blown away when he told me we weren't "dating."

    Also, my best guy friend (who used to be quite the dog, lol, back when I was married and before he met Ms Amazing) insisted that me and a certain friend were "in a relationship" when I outlined it. I was like, "But you always say if the guy doesn't SAY you're in a relationship then it's not 'a relationship,' so this isn't a relationship " He insisted... when a guy does X, Y, and Z, he considers you in a relationship. Guess what? It was the one time (in 3 years) BGF was wrong.

    If you and mall guy are having a good time without labels, then he's probably happy about things the way they are, and he probably thinks you are too. After all, you're hanging out/doing whatever willingly without any "ownership."

    You're getting a lot of advice to ask him where you stand. I, personally, suspect that when (if) you do that, you'll find out that he's "not ready to be in a relationship." Which really means, he's enjoying your company but not enough to want to be in a formal relationship with you. A man who really wants to make you his girlfriend will DO IT. If you wanna give him more time to see if he'll become attached to you, my recommendation would be to leave it alone and enjoy having a good time. AT the same time, if you REALLY are looking for "a boyfriend" (and there's NOTHING wrong with that!!) then I encourage you to move on, or at the very least add some other guys back into the rotation while he makes up his mind.
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    I say talk to him about it.. Ask him what you are doing together, ask him to be yours if that is what you want.

    To me as long as we both know the rules, (if we are dating other people, only seeing each other etc...) the title doesn't make any difference.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    honestly he could do like 10x better than me

    Eek! First step is never EVER say that out loud to him. Second step is to stop telling yourself that! You are beautiful, and obviously he likes you because you spend time together. If you beat yourself down the lack of confidence will chase away any man worth his weight in salt. I understand it's a process but honey, fake it till you make it. There's a difference between humility and low-self esteem.

    As far as all the people saying "Labels are nothing" it's is cute and all, and I get that it's a big thing now to reject labeling and whatnot, but it's not very practical. When you talk about him or introduce him to someone what are you supposed to say? "This is my... friend? Uhh... person I'm sleeping with?". Besides, it's something you care about, so if he turned out to be the guy that says he doesn't like labels and prefers to let things as they are then you have to consider if that's the type of person you want to be your partner. So just ask him, but I recommend presenting it in a way that isn't possessive of him (ex: "Are you my boyfriend") and ask the opposite (ex: "Am I your girlfriend?"). Then go from there.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    As far as all the people saying "Labels are nothing" it's is cute and all, and I get that it's a big thing now to reject labeling and whatnot, but it's not very practical.

    I've found that many guys who resist "labels" are really quick to show off "their girlfriend" when they get a woman they really like.

    To OP: This does NOT mean something's wrong with you if he DOESN'T. It just means you should stop looking for that from him. Especially if you are sleeping together. If you want the man you sleep with to be "your boyfriend," then you hinder that goal by sleeping with him when he's not "your boyfriend."
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    dont ever become someone's girlfriend because you hate being single and want the title.

    if not having the title irks you so much, then its a warning sign that the thing you love most about this man is that he's going to change your facebook status and that's just not cool. He deserves to mean more than that.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Nowhere in the course of this thread is it publicly shared what the relationship of the OP is like.
    As far as all the people saying "Labels are nothing" it's is cute and all, and I get that it's a big thing now to reject labeling and whatnot, but it's not very practical. When you talk about him or introduce him to someone what are you supposed to say?

    During an introduction, something like “This is Tom.” can be said. The specifics of the relationship are no one’s business.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I sounds stupid but I kinda crave that title like I HATE saying that Im single. Plus I dont know if i sound crazy for this but theres some type of ownership to it because hes SO hott like even my friends will say so and well honestly he could do like 10x better than me

    Really am not picking on you or trying to be mean but trust me,there is just so much wrong with this statement it makes me sad.

    First off,while I agree that being single often sucks and is a challenge to self esteem just look around and realize that being with someone for the reason of not being alone usually is much worse.

    Second,there should never be a situation where he "owns" you and by this I mean your character.
    I know you probably don`t intend to mean it this way but you are saying that because he is so hot in your opinion you will sacrifice your individuality to be with him.
    Sorry but that is a road to ruin for you.

    I think you have a deep self esteem problem and you are looking at this as "the fix" is not,it is a trap.
    If he said you were his girlfriend and yet remained emotionally distant and aloof you will never be strong enough to break free of where you are putting yourself.:flowerforyou:
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    dont ever become someone's girlfriend because you hate being single and want the title.

    if not having the title irks you so much, then its a warning sign that the thing you love most about this man is that he's going to change your facebook status and that's just not cool. He deserves to mean more than that.

    Yoovie (great progress by the way!), I agree with the principle behind what you are saying, but I do not agree there is anything wrong with the OP wanting the man she’s been seeing/sleeping with for 4 months to be her “boyfriend.”

    It is very important to many women in this country that the man they are sleeping with is exclusive in that relationship. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting that. If that is something OP wants, then I see nothing wrong with her insisting upon it. That said, she has to be prepared for him to leave. Because that’s what happens in many of the cases like this I hear about where the woman thinks by now they should be “a couple,” but he’s getting everything he wants (doesn’t have to be sex- could be companionship) without that title.

    I have heard a few cases where women said, “I will no longer date you exclusively unless we are a committed couple,” and the man liked her enough to stay. But most of the times my friends are running crying to me about how he did them wrong. No, you did yourself wrong by behaving like he was your boyfriend without requiring him to actually BE your boyfriend.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    dont ever become someone's girlfriend because you hate being single and want the title.

    if not having the title irks you so much, then its a warning sign that the thing you love most about this man is that he's going to change your facebook status and that's just not cool. He deserves to mean more than that.

    Oof, I totally missed that part. Good point.
    During an introduction, something like “This is Tom.” can be said. The specifics of the relationship are no one’s business.

    If I was introducing someone that I cared about (to the level of gf/bf) to other people that I care about labels are a pretty accurate way to convey exactly what someone/thing is. "This is Tom" doesn't tell them that I like this guy and he's going to be around for a while and I really hope they like him because I want him to be part of my life. You're right, it's not their business, unless I want to include them in my life. Even with strangers it's a simple way to say "I know this guys great looking but he's not on the market" without having to be possessive. Titles and labels serve a purpose in society, they express meaning. It's "Dr. ____" not "Person who spent ten years in school to learn medicine ____" which is a distinguishing factor from "Random person on the street that may or may not be able to cure diseases".

    On top of that labels will exist whether we want them to or not. They condense what could be otherwise complicated situations into one easy to say and comprehend form. Labels are not chains of bondage, they are clear simple communication. What's to hate?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I sounds stupid but I kinda crave that title like I HATE saying that Im single. Plus I dont know if i sound crazy for this but theres some type of ownership to it because hes SO hott like even my friends will say so and well honestly he could do like 10x better than me

    Oh honey. This statement just makes me sad. :ohwell:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Nowhere in the course of this thread is it publicly shared what the relationship of the OP is like.
    As far as all the people saying "Labels are nothing" it's is cute and all, and I get that it's a big thing now to reject labeling and whatnot, but it's not very practical. When you talk about him or introduce him to someone what are you supposed to say?

    During an introduction, something like “This is Tom.” can be said. The specifics of the relationship are no one’s business.

    Until someone says, "Oh, hi, Tom, are you Jane's boyfriend?"
    It is very important to many women in this country that the man they are sleeping with is exclusive in that relationship. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting that. If that is something OP wants, then I see nothing wrong with her insisting upon it. That said, she has to be prepared for him to leave. Because that’s what happens in many of the cases like this I hear about where the woman thinks by now they should be “a couple,” but he’s getting everything he wants (doesn’t have to be sex- could be companionship) without that title.

    I have heard a few cases where women said, “I will no longer date you exclusively unless we are a committed couple,” and the man liked her enough to stay. But most of the times my friends are running crying to me about how he did them wrong. No, you did yourself wrong by behaving like he was your boyfriend without requiring him to actually BE your boyfriend.

    This is exactly what I would have said.
    Labels are not chains of bondage, they are clear simple communication. What's to hate?

    I agree.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Nowhere in the course of this thread is it publicly shared what the relationship of the OP is like.
    As far as all the people saying "Labels are nothing" it's is cute and all, and I get that it's a big thing now to reject labeling and whatnot, but it's not very practical. When you talk about him or introduce him to someone what are you supposed to say?

    During an introduction, something like “This is Tom.” can be said. The specifics of the relationship are no one’s business.

    Until someone says, "Oh, hi, Tom, are you Jane's boyfriend?"

    That question can be answered simply. Tom can say that they've got a great relationship that works well for both of them. As long as it is said with confidence and certainty, no one is going to ask follow up questions.
    Even with strangers it's a simple way to say "I know this guys great looking but he's not on the market" without having to be possessive. Titles and labels serve a purpose in society, they express meaning. It's "Dr. ____" not "Person who spent ten years in school to learn medicine ____" which is a distinguishing factor from "Random person on the street that may or may not be able to cure diseases".

    On top of that labels will exist whether we want them to or not. They condense what could be otherwise complicated situations into one easy to say and comprehend form. Labels are not chains of bondage, they are clear simple communication. What's to hate?

    I do not discount labels at all. I like them in my own personal life, but it is usually clear in my behavior and communication. The OP's relationship has taken on a different tone than I usually like to have in my own. There's an art to the define the relationship kind of chat. One doesn't want to interrupt the flow of a good thing, but uncertainty can be a bad thing is one allows it to be a bad thing. I don't envy the mindset of the OP at all.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    That question can be answered simply. Tom can say that they've got a great relationship that works well for both of them. As long as it is said with confidence and certainty, no one is going to ask follow up questions.

    To me, that answer sounds like a cop out. Most people would look at the girl and think "oh you poor thing, you're with a guy who doesn't even want to call you his girlfriend" or they would wonder "what the hell does that mean?"

    Throw a label on it or don't throw a label on it - but the couple (can I label it as that or not??) should be in agreement as to what the relationship is.

    It's just a title. Boyfriend. Why not call it like it is?