Tuesday Challenge

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I know I said this before but due to my current life and those of others on MFP I have chatted with I think I need to put it out there again....WHAT WILL YOU DO WHEN LIFE THROWS YOU A CURVE BALL???
How will you adjust? Do you think you will always be able to exericise twice a day or for an hour? How can you eat healthy on a budget?
I say this becasue we tend to demand perfection of our 'new' way of living and think it will always be this way...it will not I guarentee that...but being able to adjust and tweak your program is key and know that this is temporary and sooner or later you will get back to the program you are used to. Injuries happen, vacations happen, kids get sick, jobs change, relationships....on and on.

Sometimes your goal may change during change...For example, when on vacation your goal mayb to just maintain where you are currently at...not lose weight. If going thru a tough emotional time it may be to eat healthy and movement like walking but not a 'formal' exercise. Whatever you do just know it is not in vain!!!!!



  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Thank you. My life is always a curve ball. Which is why I chose to put a stationary bike in my bedroom and a eliptical in my living room, and why I constantly look for ways to fit exercise in, no excuse policy. Because believe me, I am the excuse queen. But part of my new lifestyle is to not make excuses. Way hard. For instance, if I want something that my conscience says no to, I call my husband because he always says yes. Now that is bad. In my mind I think, it is now on him. I did this the other day. I wanted to go out to eat but there really is not any money since I screwed up the checkbook for the millioneth time. I call my husband he says, yes. This time even though he said yes, I stuck with no. I came home and ate.
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    I never know whar's going to happen one night to the next because of the 11 week old. So yeah, life is a curve ball.
    When I go away (especially to hotels)I check to see if they have a gym I can use. I have a gym I go to, but I tend to just walk (specifically with my little one), which I can do anywhere, and try to do often.
    For me it's eating out. My goal when I eat out is veggies, veggies, veggies. If I fill up on veggies, I don't have room for the crummy foods :)
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    I used to use the curve balls as excuses, but, now, I've prioritized my health over every thing else. It's been going well so far, but I did have to cut a workout short yesterday because my roommate brought over one of her clients. After my other responsibilities were done, I came home and did some cardio. Roommates have been the hardest for me because their schedules can dictate when I can work out (I don't work out in front of people). When I'm off the DVDs, it won't matter as much.