Looking for support

rwolfenden Posts: 16 Member
Hi there-
I'm Becca and I'm looking for some other new mommies. I have struggled with my weight all my life and had finally started keeping the weight off and feeling good about my body-then I found out I was pregnant (SURPRISE!!) When I was pregnant, I gained about 60lbs, though a lot of that was fluid retention due to pre-eclampsia. I had my son in April 2012 (SURPRISE again-he came about 6 weeks early), and since then I have been trying to get back into my pre-pregnancy patterns of eating well and working out. I had to stop working out in my last trimester due to my blood pressure so I'm trying to find time to fit that into my day, and since I am EBF, I am trying to make good food choices even though I am hungry ALL THE TIME!! I am looking for other moms who might be dealing with the same struggles so we can support each other. I am also going back to work very soon, and since I have a desk job, I really want to keep those excess pounds away.
Feel free to friend me!


  • suzlesieur
    suzlesieur Posts: 16
    I'm here to support and looking for the same. You can do it! just one day at a time :)
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    I'll send you both friend requests, it is so much easier to loose weight when you have help and motivation from other people going through the same things. I lost 50lbs after having my son and it was hard work but totally worth it and now I am so much closer to the goal I have had for many years. Childbirth and being a mom is tough, if we can handle that, we can handle anything = )
  • QuinaultLake
    It is important to remember that they body often mistakes thirst for hunger. So whenever you feel ravenous drink a glass of water first. I like to keep almonds, dried fruit, snap peas, carrots etc on hand to snack on when I am hungry between meals. But that postpartum hunger is INSANE. I have found myself sizing up the cat! LOL

    Eating more food isn't bad if you are making the right decisions. The problem is when you are so blindly hungry that you grab whatever is close at hand.
  • Frauhammie
    Frauhammie Posts: 13 Member
    I am here for you too! I have a desk job as well, and am trying to get more active. My daughter is 5 months old now and I have been back at work since the end of April. I wear a Fitbit to encourage me to move more. We have a warehouse here at work and I find any excuse to walk out there (to check on material for customers, for example). The parking lot here is not that big but I 'm trying to park as far away as possible at any parking lot. I work in a one story building, it would be nice to have stairs!

    The best part about the fit bit is that I have it syncing with My Fitness Pal and Endomondo on my Droid so the calories burned are added to my food journal. I am a bit of a fitness gadget freak so when I exercise I also wear a Polar bluetooth heart rate monitor which connects to Endomondo so the calories burned are pretty accurate. Somehow all these apps work beautifully together!

    Now the hard part, finding time to workout! So far only weekends for me and maybe a DVD or 2 per week if my daughters cooperate with bed time..