My Older Clothes on this 43 year old Body

aprrae Posts: 172 Member
I have had really good success on myfitnesspal and with my workouts over the last 3 months, and have lost 20 pounds and I can fit in clothes that I haven't worn in years. These were clothes that I wore in my 20s and 30s before I had kids. Even though I fit in the clothes, I feel a bit strange wearing skirts/shorts that are short; shirts that are tight. When you hit 40, are there some things that we should just not wear??

I don't want to be one of those ladies that is trying to dress to young for her age, but I also am proud of setting some goals and reaching them.


  • bcameron112
    bcameron112 Posts: 10 Member
    If you'r comfortable wear, if your not then don't. What is the point in losing all this weight to still feel unhappy and uncomfortable in your clothes. Good friends/family will tell you if it doesn't suit you - well mine do lol. Well done on the weight loss.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    It's all about how you feel and a bit of common sense. I wouldn't wear a short skirt to work but I have no problem wearing one to go out to dinner or a lounge with friends. I do usually wear tights underneath though. I find that it makes me less self-conscious if I have the tights on just in case the skirt rides up a bit when I'm sitting down. It's not attractive to be tugging on your hem all night in my opinion.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    Congrats on your weightloss! While I *can* fit in some on my clothes that I wore in my 20s, I'm really not trying to wear baby doll dresses with Doc Martens anymore. :laugh: I say reward your hard work and buy some new clothes that you feel comfortable in.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    Oh age is just a number. I'm 48 now but when I WAS 40 and fit you betcha I wore shorter skirts and sexier clothes. If you try them on and they look good on you wear them. I agree with not wearing the short skirts to work because that was more of a "professional" environment but when I went out to have fun or to the movies I looked pretty darn good for my age.

    The question I am asking myself is when I lose the weight and get back in shape again will I want to wear them now lol. I probably will if I'm comfortable in them although then I had gone through a very hurtful divorce and was a size 2 just from the stress. I'm hoping for a healthier 6 or 8 now. It's weird I was always fit, got divorced and dropped even more then put the weight on - go figure.

    Enjoy shopping from your closet! It's free :-)
  • angiezturn
    angiezturn Posts: 49
    Go For it!! We aren't dead after 40. I just turned 43 and you bet when I lose the rest of this weight I'll be sporting some lil skirts!