Primal/Paleo Parent Intro

Hherman20 Posts: 4 Member

Just a little introduction.

My hubby and I "converted" to the primal diet about a year and a half ago. My primary goal was not weight loss most of that time since I got pregnant shortly after but I didn't need to worry about it because most of the baby weight came off almost right away! But my baby is now 8 and a half months and I'd like to attack those last 5-10 vanity pounds. So I'm using MFP to not only track my foods but watch my carb and calorie numbers.

I'm breastfeeding baby girl around 3 times a day as she is eating more and more solid foods so I'm working on how many calories I need to cover that extra burn. And I'm also working on that non-primal meal on the weekend. Since joining MFP three weeks ago, I've lost 1-3 lbs per week, only to gain them back every weekend! I'm seeing, for me, it's not just the number of calories but where those calories are coming from that matter.

I'd love to have some more Mommy friends on here, especially Primal/Paleo parents. Feel free to add me :)
