Excersizing under annoying conditions?

I was looking at the main forums here and there were so many posts I nearly went cross-eyed. Then I thought "ooh, I could post in the KoL group!"

So, I go to the gym between 3-7 times a week, which is great, but there are times I can't get in, and I'd like to exercise at home.

However, I have the following problems:
1. Thin walls / floors in my apartment - I can't jog, jump, etc.
2. Laziness - I'l happily work out in the house, but ask me to step outside and it's not happening.
3. Clumsiness / dyspraxia - makes complex movements difficult, especially given the balance problems I have
4. Lack of floor space - I probably have enough space in the apartment to lie on the floor, but not much more
5. Pathetic arm muscles - I can't (yet) do push-ups.

So, is anyone up to the challenge of suggesting work-outs for me?


  • callmebryntax
    If I were you I would try things like power yoga or pilates. It's hard at first, because you can't do what they are doing, but it gets easier and it's easy to modify the positions to something less stressful and easier.

    Maybe a small stationary bike, or something like that that can fold up?

    Free Weights and a big ball you can sit on? You can do stuff that is weight training and aerobic like bouncing stuff and balance stuff. Those balancing boards are supposed to be good too!
  • callmebryntax
    Also - if these aren't answers for you, you should try posting in the main forum on exercise. they have great helpful people there, including professionals!