


  • kgtnteacher
    This group is just what I needed. I realized I needed to make a change when I was going shopping every time I got paid so that I could buy new clothes that fit. I went up 3 sizes before I resolved to get in shape. My resolution is to be able to look at my reflection (especially from the back...YIKES...) without shuddering and feeling disgusted.
  • kscouten
    kscouten Posts: 40 Member
    Hi my name is Katrina and I am a mother of a 4 yr old boy, who is very active! I want to wish everyone good luck and say how awesome it is to know that you are not alone. I gained a lot of weight when I got pregnant and just can not seem to lose it. I would like to be down to at least 145 by new years. I need to lose this weight so I can stay active with my son!
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! I am Stacy and I am 34 years old. I have 3 beautiful children, 11, 6 and 19 months. I have lost 40 pounds so far but have been having a really HARD time losing the rest of this weight. I think I am letting my life get in the way. I love the idea of this group. I am one of those people who are all gung ho January 1st and then by the 30th I am over it. My goal is to lose this last 20 pounds. I also have a goal to start an exercise program and stick with it regularly.