Jul 25, 2012 - Weigh In Wednesday

My weigh-ins are on Sunday but I will post mine from then to get us started:

7-22 - 238.4
7-15 - 240.2

Loss - 1.8
Total loss since starting - 51.6

Was an ok week, right along what I was shooting for.


  • donnasjohnson
    donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
    Okay, I'll go next. Last week 190.2, this week 191.6....up 1.6 pounds. Knew it was going to happen when I started back with weights at the gym two weeks ago, and the main reason I joined this group. Intellectually I know it's not fat that I've put on. I've tracked everything I eaten, bought a new scale and weighing portions, been within 200 calories (up or down) every single day. But I'm sore, which I know means my body is retaining water trying to heal itself. It's not really fat, I keep saying over and over. I told myself that I wouldn't worry about what the scale says until the end of August, but that's a minute by minute battle!! I got a great compliment yesterday on how good my legs looked in the skirt I was wearing, and thought to myself "I have to remember that when the scale shows I'm not going in the right direction." The scale is wrong...I am SO going in the right direction! Four months ago I wouldn't ever get off the couch and was eating anything my heart desired. Now I'm in the gym at least four times a week, attempting to eat cleaner, and making huge PERMANENT changes in my daily behavior. Just can't let the short term emotions disrupt my long term goals. 50 before 50! I can do it! (with your help!) How was everybody else's week?
  • ccoester
    ccoester Posts: 43
    Alright. Started this thing at 185 and am down to 181. Don't know what I did besides alternating days of REALLY good eating (I'm a vegetarian so these days consist of eating almost nothing but raw fruit and veggies until dinner where I have either fish with vegetables or something a bit heavier) and really crappy eating. Definitely need to get consistent. I started today wonderfully though so I have high hopes for Wednesday. :)

    Start: 185
    End: 181

    Loss: 4
  • kmcarr1
    kmcarr1 Posts: 6 Member
    I started the week at 187, didn't lose or gain. But I have been trying to do 30 shed only on day 5for but have lose s 1/2 inch on my thighs and upper arm so I know will take that as a success. :happy:
  • No weight loss for me this past week. :/

    It's all good, it will happen eventually (I hope). :)
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    7/25 - was not in group last week - starting at 186.8 - doing great this week and hope i can keep it up and that this healthy lifestyle results in a loss.
  • mountainmanjake
    mountainmanjake Posts: 55 Member
    started off the week at 238, actually at one point weighed in @ 240, but never updated on mfp.

    7/25 231 :)

    weight lost: 7-9lbs Woohoo! a good start,

  • elliottgirl209
    elliottgirl209 Posts: 78 Member
    Last week I was at 207. Yesterday I weighed 205.5.
  • Okay, so 7/13 - 213
    As of 7/20 - 210

    My next weigh-in is Friday, but I'm really proud of that three pounds. :3
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I lost a pound this week. I have been struggling with fluid retention some vacation at the end of June. Great job to all the "losers" this week. And to those who did not remember it is a new week and it is never to early for a fresh start. I am hopeful that this is the beginning if a new weight loss cycle for me with my loss this week.
  • skutrmnky
    skutrmnky Posts: 8
    Sunday 234.4
    Today 235.0

    I gained a little over half a pound but i'm not gonna sweat it. I started strength training more and it's only 3 days of weightloss. Gonna try not to weigh myself till next wednesday.
  • softdemonplaya
    softdemonplaya Posts: 27 Member
    Friday was my first day trying out mfp. I started at 301.2 and today i'm at 295. I'll take it.
  • caswell806
    caswell806 Posts: 42 Member
    Started this group late but in need of breaking my plateau. I started my journey at 250 and have been able to get to 226. Since I have went up to just 227 but have been there for a few weeks now and it's getting on my nerves. So I am startint today at 227 and will update next Wednesday. Great job to everyone with their accomplishments so far. Keep striving. Victory is inevitable.