I start meds Friday...



  • lratliff
    lratliff Posts: 21 Member
    Unfortunately none of us suffering form RA want to be taking medicine but this is kind of a necessary evil.

    Interesting so many are on meds. I opted out for now. I'm already a very high cancer and infection risk as well as a high osteoporosis risk (so no injections either). I opted for a low dose anti-inflamatory only when needed, omega 3, and joint support as well as a strict diet with heavy lifting. I think it's a very personal choice how one wants to care for thier own body. Either choice is "right" for them. Anyone on it more than 5yrs have issues such as infections, cancer?

    I'm 2 years plus and no problems. For me there was no choice, RA completely disabled me in less than three months from diagnosis. I went from just some aches and migratory joint pain, to not being able to walk, dress, use the bathroom, blow my nose, or even just move a part of my body to try to relieve the pain. I couldn't brush my long hair and had to cut it short. I couldn't brush my teeth or use a knife and fork. Sometimes my husband had to feed me because I couldn't bring a spoon to my mouth. I started methotrexate the day I was diagnosed but it was the biologics that gave me my life back. By the time my doctor was explaining to me the risks of Humira, I didn't care- I was in so much constant extreme pain that I would have tried anything regardless of side effects.
    Oh man, I SO remember that part of onset you described, and i'm so glad its a memory rather than a reality thanks to the medications. I'm not off steroids yet, so I can't say for sure if my current medicine cocktail was the ticket, but i'm just SO glad to have a break, however long from being disabled. Lots of people don't get to recover from stuff like that. :(