New to the Group :)

BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
Hello all! I just wanted to introduce myself, I am a mommy of two and am finally having the motivation to lose the excess baby weight. I have a 6 year old and an 18 month old. I have gained and lost so many times I can't even count! I am ready to get the final 30 lbs off for good!! I hope to talk with some of you to hear your stories and to hopefully share some encouragement and tips! If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be? Thanks so much! If you have time, check out my blog and/or profile! :smile: :happy:


  • rau_jenn
    rau_jenn Posts: 10
    Well I would have to say that my best tip is to stay my four year old little girl does some yoga with me and I love it until she makes the comment "do it like her mommy" haha I can't get my leg that high lol!!! I need suport as well so we can do this!!!!
  • sabusby
    sabusby Posts: 78 Member
    I agree that motivation is key.

    My motivator is thinking of how long I want to be around for my children and the activities I want us to do together in the future (kayaking and rock climbing). It is important to me that they know fitness and nutrition (which they will definitely get from my background.)

  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member

    My biggest tip is to remember why you are trying to loose weight and write those reasons down. I am doing it because I think health is one of the greatest gifts you can pass onto your children and I want my family to live long healthy lives. I was a bit chunky as a kid and it was very hard and I always struggled with my weight and I don't want that for my kids. I also incorporate activity into my day with my kids so we are all getting exercise and often not even realizing it. Good luck, you can do it!!
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks everyone! Great tips!! Motivation is key for me as well. I have a hard time with that, lol. I will be super motivated for about two weeks and then it just fizzles out. So, this time around I am enlisting the help of others through groups like this :) Thanks again and I look forward to talking with you all throughout this fitness journey!! Good luck to you as well!
  • sabgoe
    sabgoe Posts: 65 Member
    My biggest tip is to learn how to cook! I cook from scratch every day. I make granola bars, pasta and brown rice dishes with lots of veggies and beans, turkey and chicken, breakfast waffles and pancakes, and so much more. I also eat lots of fruit, yogurt, etc. The food I make/eat is absolutely delicious, healthy, etc. and I am never hungry. But, best of all, I am losing tons of weight . :)

    Welcome, and enjoy your weight loss journey!
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I really wish I could cook like that!! I am a horrible cook first of all, my husband used to be a chef so I never had to cook, lol. But now he had a career change and is a banker so I have had to step it up in that department. I definitely do try to cook healthy when I do cook, however, we both work full time and we have 2 kids that we have to pick up from daycare when we get off of work so it its so hard to come home and cook and then get the kids to take baths and bed and then have time for a workout!! This has been my struggle within myself for a long time. I have found that making schedules works, and helps out a lot, but then it goes back to I have this motivation for about 2 - 3 weeks and then I hit a wall for some reason and just stop doing it. I don't really get why I do that. Does anyone else have this problem? I think I just need to quite making excuses, lol. Thanks again for the tips!!
  • aprilwilliams2729
    aprilwilliams2729 Posts: 107 Member
    You sound just like me! I get started really well and then something will happen to get me off track and I just quit. :( Starting again today - hopefully with some encouragement we can avoid that pitfall!

    I've always loved to cook, but finding time to cook healthy meals with a little one is a lot more challenging. I find a slow cooker really helps - especially with the fall/winter seasons approaching. Healthy soups and stews are EASY in the crockpot. If you wnat some ideas just let me know. Doing some of the prep work on the weekends can help out too. If I'm really ambitious I try to make up a few meals to put in the freezer for later.

    I have some great healthy recipies if you would like. :) ( and have alot of great ideas - slow cooker ones too)
  • agriffin87
    hello, My name is Amanda, Im a mom of 3, my son is 3.5, my daughter is 2.5 and another little girl 1 week old! and I mae a goal when i was pregnant I would lose my weight after this baby! I was 306 lbs when I gave birth, Today I'm 294.6 lbs 1 week later, Im slowly working on it, I need to finally lose this weight I have been trying since before I had my first child, with your help Im sure I can finally do it!