July 28, 2012 Weekend Challenges

donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
I had a really good week even though it didn't show up on the scales...YET! I'm determined to eat well and hit the gym both Saturday and Sunday this weekend so I can start the week off strong on Monday. Weekends are always where I'm most inconsistent. I have a pool party tonight (they are serving real Memphis BBQ) and a big family birthday gathering tomorrow evening. I have a plan for both events, but sometimes it's hard not to graze or indulge in just an extra drink. One of my strategies is confessing my struggles here then using the accountability to strengthen my resolve in that "moment of choice". And it really comes down to that, doesn't it? I have set long term goals that are important to me, but I will choose to ignore them for that moment of short term "happiness". What challenges do weekends pose for you guys, and what strategies work best for you?


  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Good luck - I wish I had your attitude before my over indulgence last night.
    A few too many cocktails I started out the weekend "guilt filled"!
    I feel terrible this morning but resolved to start right now with a good weekend. No more cocktails for me.

    Today I'm going to do the C25K week 5 day 3 and eat "clean". Going to Whole Foods to pick up some of the items on my "clean eating" list.

    One last thing, despite a a cocktail or two too many, I did NOT eat like a pig!! That is such a huge accomplishment for me. Used to be high fat snacking and cocktails were an inseparable couple - but last night no snacking.
  • is4031
    is4031 Posts: 71
    For me Saturdays are challenging because it is my longest distance run of the week. My weigh-ins are also on Sunday so I am always a little anxious before that!