Sunday's Challenge: day for reflection

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Because I have noticed not many read on Sunday's I am asking all understand I will NOT do a challenge on Sunday's but ask you look thru the previous challenges and see what you can do that day, you can take a break, or just seriously take a moment to reflect thru your week and see what you learned about yourself...



  • Drea_ann
    Drea_ann Posts: 65 Member
    Can I just say how much I love your challenges? They are really inspiring and keep me pushing. I thrive on competition. Do the best when I'm pinned vs someone, this week I've learned to compete with myself. Like yesterday, my brain kept saying I can't go my and my heart was like pansy, we can keep going. And I ran! So thank you for inspiring me kick my own *kitten* :-). Your words of challenge and encouragement are truly uplifting!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Yes, I agree with Drea_ann. I look forward to your challenges; even on Sunday. Today I am late on viewing the challenge because of a family crisis. However every morning like clock work I am logging in and checking to see if you posted the challenge for the day. Because of your challenges I am going above what I think I can do and finding out that it was not so difficult. Thank you.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I also love your challenges, although I am still feeling the calf raises ;-) One of the things I learned about my self this week actually came from a challenge of a different sort. I bought a Fitbit and was having a heck of a time figuring out how to use it. None of the explanations in the Fitbit group made any sense nor did the FAQs, but I persevered and was able to solve the problem I was having. I already know this about myself: that I can solve problems that are getting in my way, but I have a frustration level about problem solving that makes me sometimes feel like giving up. I was reminded that I usually do not give up and for that reason, I am also feeling good about being a part of MFP. Your challenges, the friends I've made and the weight loss process are all good parts of my current life's experience.

    So, what's up for tomorrow? lol
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay....I did the step overs 3 times this past week and I guess the challenge is....if you find something that makes you gasp for air then maybe need to do it more often till improvement is noticed!
    I feel like this is a true physical challenge!!!!!!! I have to concur this! I surprise myself sometimes!! LOL!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Reminders for the daily challengers and for the newbies since most folk do not participate on Sundays today is a day to reflect on your week and see what you did well what you did not and why and how you want to change that. YOU are not a failure just need adjustments!
    YOU can choose to look over this weeks challenges and repeat on or just reflect and post your thoughts.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I will go first...I learned from another MFPer GI Jane that motivation is something that changes and accept that but we can move thru it better if we accept what state we are in at the moment instead of trying to "make" something happen! I am so much happier now! Example: I was trying to make myself go to gym for a hard workout last week after work...I really didn't want to...I was pissy about it too! I read the article she posted and it changed my focus!
    I didn't go to the gym but did a yoga workout! No I didn't blast calories that day which goes against all the suggestions for weight loss etc...but I did what was good for me mentally and physically! I felt great! I was over in calories that day but I didn't care bc I did what was right for my body! I felt fabulous afterward...I was at peace...for me that is GOLD!

    Rock on soldiers!