3E Love

Hello. I am new to this group. My son was born 7 months ago with pretty significant leg issues. He was born with 2 broken femurs, 2 dislocated hips, both knees won’t straighten, both feet are severely clubbed, he also has muscle weakness in both legs and limited range in motion. His chances of crawling and walking are slim to none.

When looking at wheelchair tattoos I came across this symbol that I absolutely fell in love with. It was a wheelchair logo, kind of like the ones you would see on a handicap sign except the tire is a half heart. They are trying to make it to 30,000 fans today on facebook. Check them out. They are an amazing company with an amazing logo.

They also have a website that is also amazing.

I'm excited that there is a group here that is for parents with special needs kids. As some of you may know or may not it can get you down knowing your child has a disability. It is getting easier for me as time goes by but it does bring me down from time to time. It's still new to me considering my son is only 7 months old. Struggling with depression my whole life makes it hard to get motivated to exercise and eat healthy. Then throw all the issues that my son has on top of my everyday depression and it makes it down right impossible sometimes. It's nice to know other parents who are in the same kind of boat.

Before having a child the words 'special needs' meant something totally different than it does now. I don't even see the word needs anymore. I just see the word special. My son may never walk or crawl but he is special. A friend of ours had cancer and was doing really bad right before my son was born. When Mark (friend with cancer) found out about Liam’s (my son) issues it gave him something to fight for. He was fighting as my son was fighting. Because of my son our friend held on for 6 more months.

Our children are amazing even with their "special needs" they are just downright special.