July 30, 2012: Motivating Monday

I'm starting this topic a bit early because I just finished packing my bag for the gym and I won't have time to post it tomorrow morning.

M: 45 minutes of elliptical, 10-15 minutes jog/run
T: 20-30 minutes jog/run, Arms and core (however long that takes)
W: Hike with the pooch.
Th: 20-30 minutes jog/run, Legs and core (however long that takes)
F: 45 minutes of elliptical, 10-15 minutes stepper

These are my goals for the week. I'm thinking of supplementing the arms/legs & core work outs with p90x video work-outs I have. Not sure yet.

Excited for week 2! :)


  • donnasjohnson
    donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
    M/Th/S - 15 min. treadmill (high incline), circuit training, 1 mile run

    T/W/F - 45 minutes elliptical

    My work schedule is probably going to be crazy this week, definitely can't hit the gym early, and have meetings late two nights. Can squeeze in a 2 mile walk/jog late at night in my neighborhood if I have to miss a cardio workout.
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Completed week 5 of c25K yesterday!

    This week: Week 6 of C25K -
    Yoga - minimum of 3 hours
    Finish every MINI CHALLENGE posted by HartJames this week.
    Hold Plank for a full minute! Goal is to complete 2 sets, but need to get one down first : )
  • donnasjohnson
    donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for reminding me I need to start working on planking! That's something I would rather work on at home than the gym since it's rather embarrassing how short I can do it. I can start this week with some baseline times which will give me something to improve on next week. Love how you guys help motivate me!
  • is4031
    is4031 Posts: 71
    Monday: Run Day
    50-60 minute trail running/walking intervals

    Tuesday: Bike/Upper Body Day
    10 Mile Bike with kid trailer or Hike
    Upper body low rest weights

    Wednesday: Run Day
    50-60 minute trail running/walking intervals

    Thursday: Hike/Lower Body Day
    45-60 minute hiking, hill climbs
    Lower body low rest weights

    Friday: Run Day
    50-60 minute trail running/walking intervals

    Saturday: Long Run/Upper Body Day
    50-60 minute trail running/walking intervals increase mileage 10%
    Upper body low rest weights

    Sunday: Rest Day
    15 Mile bike with kid trailer or Rest
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    M/W/F: Treadmill (light) and strength training
    T/Th/Sa: C25K Week 1