Fattack Posts: 666 Member
The group will be closing and updates will now be on my facebook feed (I will start again from Day 1 for convenience). This is due to a variety of reasons being namely:

1. my internet is on the fritz and keeps dying
2. not many people are participating in the daily stuff compared to the number of people who joined
3. some people are finding the challenges a bit difficult / can't really apply them to their daily routine
4. I'm starting a new job tomorrow and will be leaving at 5am and getting home at the earliest 7:30pm (and that's on days when I don't have Dutch class or the gym) and doubt I can give you guys the support you need in tracking burns and weights etc.

HOWEVER I will be updating daily with the challenges on my PROFILE. So feel free to befriend me. I hope nobody is really upset and I'm very sorry about abandoning this for those of you who have been very active.

If my profile updates garner enough interest I may start the group up again :)
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