Insanity Buddies!



  • kdtink
    kdtink Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everybody! I started Insanity this afternoon (8/1/12) with my sister. She has been doing it for about 2 weeks but took a few days off and started again with me. We are trying to kick our lives back in gear and feel the best way to do that is to feel better about ourselves. We have been making small changes over the last few weeks and I think we are in a good position to get this done right. So here's my story:

    I am 35 years old. I've never really been a small girl, but I was always a swimmer so I was tone and tight. That went out the window a few years ago when I started Nursing School! I stopped working out, swimming, running, anything that wasn't studying really. And don't get me started on the food choices! But I am ready to make things better. I am going to graduate in May and I refuse to be unhappy with the way I look when I get my graduation portraits made in March! : )

    I start back to class on August 20th. I hope to get into Insanity before school starts again so I can keep it up rather than panic when life gets busy. I need a stress release during school and I have been working out for the last couple of months to make it a habit. I promise, I will need some encouragement and support, please feel free to friend me and harrass me about staying on track. I appreciate it (in advance).
  • strikermiz
    strikermiz Posts: 34 Member
    Just realized I never did an intro...

    I'm Stephanie and I will be turning 30 on Sunday. I have 2 children, my son is 3.5 and my daughter is 2. I am an RN and I work part time. My kids are my full time job! I am 5'3" and I currently weigh 148lbs. I have been unhappy with my weight for a long time but the craziness of our family schedule and 2 demanding kids really put my own needs on the back burner. I was always very athletic growing up and participated in everything from inter-mural to varsity sports. In college I focused on my studies and met my husband. We were married before I graduated and baby #1 came 9 months later. I recently have found that as my kids are getting older that I can take some time for myself and not feel guilty about it. My husband is supportive and he actually started Insanity the week before I did. I have the added motivation of 4 weddings in the next 11 months 2 of which I am in. This is the start of a new life for my family and I. Failure is NOT and option!!!
  • Hello everyone!
    My name is Amanda, I have been struggling with my weight for my whole life but never this bad. About 3 years ago I gained 45 pounds in a little over 2 months. It was literally OVERNIGHT. I went to so many weight watcher meetings, doctors appointments, and even considered Bariatric Surgery (lapband) Finally my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS. Which wreaks havoc on your body. I never realized how much damage it can do. So I have tried every diet in the book. Even the crazy fad diets! I finally , after 3 years started losing some weight. Very slow, but at least it was finally coming off! Eating less and moving more is definitely the best advice you can take!

    So, I started my insanity fit test Sunday 7/30 so it would work out that Saturday would be my off day. I had been doing a boot camp 3-4 days a week since January so I figured I was in O.K shape. Boy was I wrong! Insanity is no joke! I do find myself excited to go home and cross another day off the calendar! But so many days I want to just sit on my couch when I get home. I need this group to help keep me motivated and I will do the same!!!
  • heartsoulshannon
    heartsoulshannon Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! My name is Shannon. I live in Maine, I'm 27 and I have three children ages 9, 6, and 2 1/2 :) Trying to lose a few inches while my husband is away this month. I'm 5'2" and 124 currently. Hoping to get under 120 before he returns August 30. I do the routines around 22:00 after the kids are in bed and I've had time to unwind.
  • heartsoulshannon
    heartsoulshannon Posts: 59 Member
    Oh, I have started Insanity before and made it through month one with great results - and that was without tracking my eating. I stopped when I ended up with strep throat which set me back a few weeks, then my running season started. I've struggled with running injuries this year so I've been backsliding. Hoping this gets me back on track :)