New to stronglifts and loving it!

Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
I just wanted to say how much i'm loving this program!
I was originally doing NROLFW and was somewhere in the middle of level 3, but was disapointed that after going to all the effort of getting a squat stands and everything to do the program at home but then there wasn't many squats at all. Also i was going to have to wait for AGES to do a proper bench press in that program.
Also by Level 3 NROLFW takes quite a long time to complete! So i was finding myself not doing the 3 sessions a week i really should have been doing.

So i've ditched it for now and started Stronglifts. Done 2 sessions so far and i love it!
Can't wait till i can get my weights heavier as so far finding it pretty easy even after adding a bit of weight more than i'm supposed to start with.

I think i'm really going to be able to commit to this program.
So glad there is this group on here for women doing this as the stronglifts website is ridiculously male dominant. Also found heaps of stuff online about it with guys/trainers wondering how they should be modifying it for girls - come on, we are totally able to do this properly!

I does though seem a little good to be true that such a simple short workout could have the results it claims it has. But anyway i'm sure it will get more difficult once the weight adds up, and i'm also doing a lot of other things like cardio.


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    welcome, glad you love it, hate to break it to you but its NOT short at all once it gets heavy. Takes most of us more than an hour at that point, 75-90 minutes isn't uncommon (if its hitting 90 every time, or going over, then possibly its time to deload or drop to 3x5).

    Its still more peaceful than NROL though - less swapping around sets and things which adds more mental frustration than just standing i nthe squat rack and waiting out your 4 minute rest (or whatever)
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Yep, it takes me 1-1/2 hours. Sometimes a little less, sometimes more if I have to wait for the power rack. Maybe the one drawback is if the rack isn't free, you pretty much have to wait because there aren't any alternating exercises to fill that time. It has been about three years since I did NROL4W, but I don't think it took me quite as long. Even with the rest periods, the standing around between sets, I feel pretty wiped out when I'm done. It is nice to be able to stay in one place or nearly so for the entire workout.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    Luckily I won't have to wait. I workout at home with my own gear. I hear NROLFW by the time you get to the higher levels takes about 1.5hr too. No matter, the main attraction is i am going to get good use out of my equipment that i've spent the money on.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Luckily I won't have to wait. I workout at home with my own gear. I hear NROLFW by the time you get to the higher levels takes about 1.5hr too. No matter, the main attraction is i am going to get good use out of my equipment that i've spent the money on.

    Yeah, that's awesome you have your own equipment. I keep checking Craigslist for a great deal. My gym is getting more and more crowded and I sometimes find it hard to concentrate. Last night a girl was standing right next to the rack waiting for me to finish. It was a little unnerving because I felt like I was being watched.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I read NROLFW, but I've ended up doing Starting Strength (like SL but 3 x 5, and with power cleans instead of rows). As the others have said, it takes longer than you'd think, and I'm only doing 3x5 rather than 5x5! I aim to spend an hour in the gym, but it's often longer.

    But I prefer the simplicity of just having a few big lifts. Squats are supposed to be a great exercise, and you do loads of them with SS or SL.

    You're right that it gets difficult quickly, because you go up in weight so quickly. I've been doing it for about two months and find it very hard work every time now. It feels as if my whole body is tingling when I leave the gym!

    I'm glad your enjoying it. I love it!
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    Yes i decided about a year ago to never again waste money with a gym membership. I always join and then never go and am stuck in a contract. Especially decided this since in the past all i wanted to do was use the exercise bike, and there were only 2 and my small town gym which were always in use and i'd have to wait for.

    I realised a year membership cost a lot more than just buying my own bike.
    Then discovered weight training, but even after buying the stuff i need for that all new since there wasn't anything suitable here 2nd hand, i'm still probably slightly ahead than year's membership and i get to keep this stuff for life (well as long as it doesn't break, the bike might eventually in a few years i imagine, but not the weights).
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    simplicity and badassery...that's why I love it.

    NROL4W sounds amazing, and I truly admire women who are rocking it and especially those who've completed it. But there's something about SL that clicked with me. I plan to continue.

    It would be great if I had the space at home. The only place I could put my own gym would be the garage, but that would mean one of us parking outside. Neither my husband or I are willing to give up garage space. Plus it would get hot in there during summer. So we're happy with our gym membership.

    Plus in summers, on Saturdays, we take a dip in the outdoor pool the gym has after our lifting. Talk about heaven!