Day 1 - FIt Test

mary70 Posts: 47 Member
I may be a day ahead, or a day behind everyone. I did my fit test yesterday. I got through it all, and scores were not too bad in my opinion. I did feel pretty wiped out and a little nauseous for about 15-20 minutes afterwards, but got over it. Here are my stats:

Switch Kicks - 42
Power Jacks - 38
Power Knees - 63
Power Jumps - 23
Globe Jumps - 7 (I sucked at this)
Push Up Jacks - 10 (This almost killed me)
Low Plank Oblique - 21

Looking forward to seeing how much I improve on day 15.


  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    This is a great place to keep them so that they are easy to track! Here's mine:

    Switch Kicks: 70
    Power Jacks: 42
    Power Knees: 74
    Power Jumps: 20
    Globe Jumps: 6 (I sucked at this too)
    Suicides: 8 (I was really out of gas at this point)
    Push up jacks: 15
    Low Plank Oblique: 44 (I got freaking rug burn on my elbows from this one)
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Just did the fit test! Here are my not so great results lol!

    Switch: 40
    Power Jacks: 30
    Power Knees: 55
    Power Jumps: 15
    Globe Jumps: 6
    Suicide Jumps: 10
    Push-up Jacks: 10
    Low Plank Oblique: 11
    SW: 229

    These numbers, even though they are low, I think are still high because I don't believe my form was the best. I look forward to my form getting better even if my numbers are lower :-)
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    This is just a baseline. I bet we'll kill it on day 15!!
  • jyoyo78
    jyoyo78 Posts: 11 Member
  • Fit Test Day 1!

    Switch Kicks: 108
    Power Jacks: 49
    Power Knees: 89
    Power Jumps: 34
    Globe Jumps: 9
    Suicides: 13
    Push up jacks: 26
    Low Plank Oblique: 38
  • mary70
    mary70 Posts: 47 Member
    Ok, so jk_toren totally kicked our *kitten*! LOL GO DUDE!
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Today is Fit Day #1 for me again. Just a little back story, I was in the midst of doing Insanity for a few weeks now but only 4x a week. Jk Toren said he was starting the program again today on another board, so I figured I would join too, only this time, I'd do it full force and not half *kitten*.

    Here are my results for today's Fit Test

    Switch Kicks: 75
    Power Jacks: 47
    Power Knees: 81
    Power Jumps: 8
    Globe Jumps: 8
    Suicide Jumps: 11
    Push Up Jacks: 12
    Low Plank Oblique: 36

    33 years old female
    5'10" 154 lbs
  • Way to go everyone, We'll destroy these numbers in a few weeks. :)

    Thanks, Mary! I've done this program once before but didn't get more than 2 weeks in before I stopped. I've been doing Crossfit for the last 2 years on and off so it's seemed to have helped a bit...that fit test still put me in place me though, lol.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    Switch Kicks (1rep=both) 50
    Power Jacks 40
    Power Knees 70
    Power Jumps 30
    Globe Jumps (1rep=4jumps) 9
    Suicide Jumps 12
    Push Up Jacks 16
    Low Plank Oblique (1rep=both) 21

    I have just come across this group as I was looking for a insanity group, I actually started it on the 29 July so this is my fit test from then!