10,000 Step Challenge: Take 10,000 steps a day for a month

An inactive person takes 3,000 steps or less just in daily activity of moving around the house. Unless you have an active job such as a waitress or nurse, it would be difficult to log 10,000 steps just with daily activity. Most people will be required to achieve this goal through exercise such as walking (equivalent of 30-60 minutes or more of walking per day). That equals the minimum daily exercise recommendations to reduce health risks.

All you need to do to get started is buy a pedometer and try to get 10,000 steps per day. Post your intent to join the challenge and share your experiences helping to motivate each other along the way.

Good luck.


  • Thorpychick
    Ok. I am going to start with this challenge. As I am just starting my weightloss journey I am motivated to get out and exercise. Tommorrow will be day 1.