Find your (skinny fat) twin!



  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    CW: 122
    GW: 108-112 (whichever gets me to a healthy low fat, high muscle tone weight)
  • nihaotina
    SW- 120
    CW- 107
    GW4- 105
    GW5- 100
  • MAnnette57
    Looking for a twin who isn't trying to lose weight but wants to build muscle and loose body fat. My current body fat is 24%. My goal is 18% without weight loss. Anyone's goals match mine?
  • egwright24
    GW-118 -120ish

    Little bit about me:
    39 years old (will be 4-0 in Feb)
    Work full time; married; mother of 2 active girls ages 5 and 10
    Husband Works Shift Work (12 hour shifts plus 1 hour communte each way = really a single mom with child support)

    Looking for accountability and pointers..recently purchased Les Mills Pump. Haven't started it. Own Insanity...don't have time for it....own Brazil Butt get the drift.
    Recently started running about a year ago. Have completed 5k, 10k, 12k and 3 half marathons. I put the S in SLOW. Fastest 5k is 30 minutes, 10k 1:11:00, Half 2:39:00. Recently signed up for WDW Full Marathon (26.2 miles) in January 2014 which is 3 weeks before my 40th birthday.

    I want to be in the best shape of my life. I am skinny fat for sure. No muscle tone. Anybody out there with the same goals or willing to try to keep me accountable?

    I have a running buddy that recently signed up for a half in November so I am halfway training for that with her to keep each other accountable. I have got to crack down if I am going to finish that full upright and if I am going to blast this fat.

  • VeganGypsie
    age: 31
    height: 5'7.5"
    SW: 145
    CW: 138.8
    In college at the end of a semester of a fitness training class, I had a perfect bf% of 19.5% at 127lbs, so I might try to get down to that, or even lower eventually. The instructor used calipers, but I don't think I will bother. I am going to switch to using a tape measure and formula to get back to knowing my % again soon. The scale has plateaued, but I feel that progress is still happening, so it would be good to measure it.
  • Are there any ladies (preferably other moms like me) out there that do not want to be extremely thin and weigh way less than they should for their height??

    My Stats:

    Height: 5'5
    SW: 183lbs
    CW: 138lbs
    GW: 128lbs
    UGW: 120lbs

  • Your stats (or rather goal stats) are similar to mine! I am 5'5 -- and I want to ultimately weigh 120lbs (2 off from yours)...
  • Your stats (well your goal stats) are pretty similar to mine... I am 5'5 and would ultimately like to be 120 (only 2 off of yours!) :)
    Looking for a twin who isn't trying to lose weight but wants to build muscle and loose body fat. My current body fat is 24%. My goal is 18% without weight loss. Anyone's goals match mine?
  • Polkatron
    Height: 5'5"

    SW: 132
    CW: 127
    GW: 116

  • ehargettfs21
    ehargettfs21 Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone similar ~ feel free to friend me

    SW 156
    CW 137
    GW 125

    Oh, & I am 5'6"

    I'm similar! :smile:

    SW 158
    CW 158 (just started)
    GW 130
  • thechaotickitten
    thechaotickitten Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this site, and fitness in general (blogging too actually)

    I'm 5'5" and generally weigh 115 lbs give or take 5 lbs depending on when I step on the scale (where the scale is on the floor, the position of Neptune, the amount of moisture in the air....). I also don't use my scale very often; currently its batteries have been donated to my flashlight.

    I'm not trying to lose weight, but become a more physically fit version of myself (although if that has to come with toning I'd be ok with that's a lie, I'd be ecstatic). Ideally I’d like to be able to run 5k regularly, without wanting to die after and to jiggle a little less, I’m happy with my dimensions (but why, oh why, do they have to jiggle so much?).

    What I’d really love is a few fitness buddies to help encourage me to keep with an exercise plan/goal. I don’t exactly have a lot of support from the people around me, my family isn’t big on the whole ‘fitness fad’, my boyfriend says he’s happy with the way I am now (which is sweet, but when it’s early in the morning and I’m trying to make myself get out of bed to run the whole you’re-perfect-the-way-you-are is just too tempting, even if it is false), and my friends think I’m being vain because I’m skinny enough already. So if anyone wants to friend me I’d be grateful, if you’re competitive, great I can be too. I also can be encouraging (I’ve worked in a daycare since I was 16, and as a full time nanny since I was 18) so if that’s what you need I’m your girl. The only thing I don’t do is tightly monitor the calories I eat, I’m celiac so I spend enough time looking at labels already (I eat well I just don’t stress out about it, I had to keep a lot of food journals when I was younger and trying to figure out why I was deficient in so many vitamins despite eating well – once the biopsy confirmed celiac I literally burned my food journal….I still hate that thing)

    oh, I should warn you I tend to ramble....
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    Can someone tell me what the acronyms mean?
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    Here's my stats:

    Height: 5'8"
    SW 146
    CW 128
    GW Not sure, just want to add muscle size without extra body fat
    Body Fat: 17.9%
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    Think I might be your skinny twin:

    Height: 5'8"
    SW 146
    CW 128
    GW Not sure, just want to add muscle size without extra body fat
    Body Fat: 17.9%
  • cyntalia
    Hi! Here are my stats to find my skinny fat twin :D
    Height 5'2
    SW 130lbs (on a good day)
    CW 130 lbs (I'm just starting)
    GW 120lbs
    BMI 28%
  • wigtwizzle007
    Height: 5'0
    Current Weight: 120
    Goal Weight: 105
  • ams1010
    20, female
    Hight : 5'7.5
    Current Weight: 145
    Goal Weight: 135
  • SkrillexFan
    5' 6.5"
    SW 126
    CW 125
    GW 117
    I hold most of my weight in thigh butt area. I try to work out for 30 minutes Mon-Friday during lunch. I like the stair-master and incline intervals on the treadmill, I also do yoga a couple times a week. I just want all the cellulite to disappear. I see you few of you are my twins, I will add you.

    We're the same height with the same goal weight but I started out a bit heavier, other than that we're practically skinnyfat twins! (:

    Height: 5'6.5
    SW: 134
    CW: 122
    GW: 120
    UGW: 117
    Hoping to find my skinnyfat twin!

    SW/CW 118
    GW 125
    UGW 130

    I'm really looking to gain some muscle mass, which I'm having a hard time with. I'm a picky eater with a small appetite and a very busy schedule. Excuse excuse excuse.... I know. I know its just a matter of setting my mind to eating the right foods and getting my workouts in - but I figure having a skinnyfat twin or other people to help motivate me would definitely help.

    Please add me even if we're not twins - I could use all the motivation I can get! Most of my friends have the opposite problem as me and when I talk about trying to get fit and gain weight, well, lets just say it's not well received - which puts a further drag even more on my motivation.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    First thing, weight loss is done. I am 47, 5'9, 152 (goal weight was 155), 3 previous back surgeries.

    SW: 190
    GW: 155
    CW: 152

    BMI: 22.8
    Body Fat %: 22.4 :-(
    Skeletal Muscle %: 35.2 :-(
    Rest. Met: 1548
    Body Age: 43
    Visceral Fat Level: 7

    Neck: 14.6"
    Shoulders: 44.2"
    Chest: 38.4"
    Waist: 30.3"
    Hips: 32.7"
    Thigh: 18.6"
    Calf: 14.6"
    R Bicep: 12.1"