
Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
Hello, I am on week 3 of the choose to lose plan. In the book, Chris mentions that you would feel sluggish on low carb days and energenic on high carb days. However it had been the opposite for me. The first week was fine. As I have been on it, my high carb days I feel like I drag through. I am wondering if the morning shapers on the low carb days have a direct impact on that and I should start doing them on high carb days as well or what I should do? Anyone have any suggestions??



  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    How was your diet prior to Chris Powell's? Maybe you have an intolerance to certain grains if that's what you are using for carbs. I found out that I have some food sensitivities which made me feel sluggish.
    I would continue following his workout plan, he spent years making up this plan and it has worked for others. Perhaps increase your cardio?
    Have you had this symptom for the first 2 weeks?

    I would maybe stick to the diet for the month where you have the 4th week all high carb and if it still hasn't changed maybe send Chris Powell an email? Or maybe there is more to it than that? Did you try the trouble shoot section? How's water intake?

    I find with the temperature thing I am always hot.
    Hope that helped sorry haven't looked at your journal to make some other suggestions.