
Hello ladies!

I'm trying to hop back on the wagon. I recently lost 40lbs since my 6 month old was born. I want to lose at least 15 more. I stopped trying to lose for a while because I was losing milk supply.

I am tandem nursing a 18 month old and a 6 month old. I add back 700 calories a day (WOWZERS). This has worked well so far and is how I lost the first 40lbs but it's seriously a ton of calories to eat everyday.

I work full time and have an hour commute each way. I also have two older kids as well. I have no time for exercise. I've tried to squeeze it in but I can't seem to carve out time consistently for it. Anyone have any tips for getting in your exercise?


  • vtsantiago
    vtsantiago Posts: 12 Member
    wow you are busy! :) I have 2 myself and I work. I do 15 -20 minute workouts early in the am like 4 or 5...I also walk on my lunch break (even if it is just around my office building) I try to get to the gym at least 1 time per week. I make working out a game for my 19month old. He likes to help me pull out the exercise mat and my weights. He even does the arm circles at the beginning of Jillian! He has fun while my 11 week old watches us in the swing.

    My best advice is to have the whole family on board to support you carving out the time...maybe family walks, wii exercise nights perhaps..

    My hubby helps me out a lot. he makes sure I have that little bit of time. Good short workouts are crossfit and Jillian 30 day shred...You can find Crossfit workout online and Jillian's dvd is only 20 minutes long...
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I'm trying to hop back on the wagon. I recently lost 40lbs since my 6 month old was born. I want to lose at least 15 more. I stopped trying to lose for a while because I was losing milk supply.

    I am tandem nursing a 18 month old and a 6 month old. I add back 700 calories a day (WOWZERS). This has worked well so far and is how I lost the first 40lbs but it's seriously a ton of calories to eat everyday.

    I work full time and have an hour commute each way. I also have two older kids as well. I have no time for exercise. I've tried to squeeze it in but I can't seem to carve out time consistently for it. Anyone have any tips for getting in your exercise?

    I have 6 kids and work midnights. Right now the baby is teething, so I'm lucky to find enough time to sleep much less exercise. I have been trying to get in a couple of extra laps in at work to add to my walking time.

    I agree eating the extra 500 calories for breastfeeding is hard.
  • H_Jack
    H_Jack Posts: 48 Member
    I'm (sorta) in the same boat. I have a 8 month teether and a 2 jobs (though, gratefully, both from home). I manage to eat within my caloric range OK, it's the exercise that seems to fall off the plate on busy days (which, let's face it, are every day!). I think I'm going to have to be strict with myself about putting the work away for an hour each day for a walk with my baby. It'll keep me active and give me some uninterrupted bonding time with the little one.

    I also think I'm going to invest in a once-a-week Pilates class. I can swing a small commitment, but a gym membership seems so daunting right now. Baby steps, right? :)
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I have 2 (5 months and 20 months). My exercise is either early AM or in the evening with the help of my husband. I work in sales and I am usually driving during lunch.

    If I workout in the morning, I get up around 4AM, feed the baby, and then start my workout. If I don't feed her, she always seems to get hungry during my workout.

    My husband and I also try to give each other time each day to exercise. If we're really busy, we alternate days for longer workouts in the evening. At the very least, we try to take a walk as a family (using the stroller).

    It isn't easy and I definitely sacrifice sleep and TV time. But with careful planning, I get in 5-6, 45-60 minute workouts per week.
  • chefgabi
    chefgabi Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new here too. I've got a two year old and five month old. Thankfully I'm only nursing the little one now so I don't have to get too many extra calories.
    I've started rocking my little one to sleep by doing lunges and squats. I figure it's not quite cardio, but it counts.
    As for working out, I try to take the five flights of stairs at work and squeeze in walks I the evening. Carrying the little one in the pack or moby wrap ups the calories burn too.

    I'm sure if I cruise this group more I can find answer to my question, but I'll throw it out here too:
    I am getting close to my calorie count most days, but often under by as much as 300 calories especially if I do any cardio. I am a bigger gal and have a lot to lose just to get close to my BMI, should I be worried about those last 300 calories?