Help with support at home!!

I am a working full time mother/wife of three (not including my husband)... The youngest is 2. Needless to say my day is pretty much planned out around my family. My downfall is I do not really have the support of my husband to keep the discipline I need to acheive my goals. I literally have to prepare a seperate dinner for myself because he is not into " my healthkick as he says. Is there anyone that is having the same problem and if so, any suggestions how to make it easier??..:grumble:


  • suzlesieur
    I am just as busy, but I do have the support of my husband. In your case, do whatever u have to do to feel good about yourself and your health. Maybe try to make the "healthkick" dinner for everyone and let him make the seperate meal for himself. It sounds selfish but not really, being healthy is not selfish. Best wishes and hang in there! You'll be glad you did.