


  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome krstynalondon and sherise1214.... I am certain you will fit right in.... We are all sweet addicts... the majority are lovers of CHOCOLATE.... We are here to share but most of all support..
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hello all, I'm Mel and I have a problem with gummy candy. I can limit myself to all other types of sweets, but gummy candy-forget it. I usually cave about once a week and when I do I eat like, a POUND of gummies. I don't do this with anything else. I can eat ONE skinny cow ice cream sandwhich. I can eat ONE square of ghiridilli chocolate (I just can't spell it). Hell, I can always say no to desserts in restaurants. I'll forgive myself the peice of cake I eat during my family's birthdays, that doesn't happen too often because I have a small family.
    It's just those damn gummies! I seriously have cravings. I think about eating them in anticipation and get irritable if traffic slows me down from getting to the store. It's beyond ridiculous. If I could get this under control I'd probably be able to lose the 10 lbs that I gained over the past year.

    Grateful for suggestions!
  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
    It's just those damn gummies! I seriously have cravings. I think about eating them in anticipation and get irritable if traffic slows me down from getting to the store. It's beyond ridiculous. If I could get this under control I'd probably be able to lose the 10 lbs that I gained over the past year.

    WELCOME WELCOME.... IT'S nice to have lovers of all types of sweet... INCLUDING GUMMIES.. lol
  • SherJonesy
    I'm Sherri, and I have a serious sugar problem...
    I love chocolate like crazy, and if I don't have any candy in the house then I'll bake several goodies until I satisfy my craving.
    I really need to get this under control.
  • tufztuf
    tufztuf Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Lesa and I tend to get addicted to ONE treat at a time, Generally something with chocolate. In college it was cream filled choc cakes in the vending machine - had to have one every day (@ 500 cal per pack). Later it was Dairy Queen Blizzards - had to have one every day at lunch time. Later it was Cocoa Puffs - had to have a bowl every night. Then it got to be a BIGGER bowl every night. Then it got to be TWO bowls every night. Fortunately, I put a stop to that. But it was hard to give up. So as Valentine's day and Easter approach I FEAR THE CADBURY ROBIN EGGS. OH NOOOOOOOOOO!
  • momwantsbodyback
    momwantsbodyback Posts: 83 Member
    Hey guys,

    my name is Vera, I am 22 and I can never say no to candy. At the moment I still have the "I am pregnant and have all these hormones running through my body" - excuse but in a few days when the baby is there I will have to admit to myself that I am just a candy addict :S

    Any help is highly appreciated!!

  • cortiz043
    Hi all, I'm Carol and yes I'm addicted to food but especially sweets! A year ago I was told I am diabetic, shocked! I think I have not come to terms with it and I need to lose about 70 lbs! I have to do this and it is so hard, I want to be here for my husband, he is a wonderful supportive man and I know how much he worries about me and my health. Anyway I hope with all your help and support I will get it done!
  • iharvest2010
    iharvest2010 Posts: 2 Member
    I am absolutely a sweets and chocolate fiend. I have a really hard time especially this time of the year because of the Cadbury eggs and special chocolates coming out for a short time. I stock up on them but the stock doesn't last long. I sit and eat a whole bag in one sitting. I would be fine if I could just stick to one serving a day but that is never the case. I binge. I really don't know how to stop it and most the time I am so addicted I don't want to stop it. I love chocolate!
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    Hi ! my name is Katie. I love my sweets and sugar especially chocolate. I defintely need to get this under control. would love sweet addict friends
  • krishamisha
    krishamisha Posts: 19 Member
    Hey :-) Hi

    I have always loved chocolate and coffee more than any other food. I can pass on chips and lollies (candy) but i have a real thing for chocolate. Not just any chocolate it has to be high quality like Lindt. Fortunately i like lean meat, fish, chicken and all salad and vegetables so the rest of my diet is not too bad.

    I go through phases of what particular chocolate (or at times it has been some other sweet thing like biscuits/cookies) that i simply have to have every day. i manage by limiting the quantity eg 4 small squares of high quality stuff budgeted within my calories.

    However, its very bad not just for your weight but for your teeth :-/ Has anybody read the book Sweet Poison? Sugar is nasty stuff!

    I used to drink sugar in tea, one a day, then my mum told me stop it (lol I'm in my 40s) so I did, it took me 6 months to get used to it but now I prefer it. I also used to buy an irish cream latte (lard-eh) daily on my way to work; but once again my health conscious mum stepped in and I eventually kicked that habit and now prefer a small skim cap. On occasion i have had a sweet coffee - but don't enjoy it and wonder how I every drank it daily!

    I always need something sweet after dinner and recently i've discovered Sugar Free Chocolate (made with Stevia) so i can have a hot chocolate (made with water and a little milk) and I'm quite happy with that and its next to no calories.

    I can't imagine not having sweet stuff daily... at the very least i want to cut right down. Sweet friends welcome :-)