what is your favorite way to exercise?

I really like to burn calories by dancing, i use the wii just dance and zumba. they are great at getting heart pumping plus its fun.

also have enjoyed yoga lately:)


  • My favorite is definitely swimming - no sweat :)
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I cant decide - swimming or sex.

    hmmmmmmmmmm....skinny dipping could lead to both sex and swimming???
  • Make it two-fold. Spend time cleaning up after my horses and pushing the wheelbarrow up hill to the dumpster. Then a nice swim to cool off and work the other muscles. Other than walking, that is the extent of my exercise.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Make it two-fold. Spend time cleaning up after my horses and pushing the wheelbarrow up hill to the dumpster. Then a nice swim to cool off and work the other muscles. Other than walking, that is the extent of my exercise.

    Hey Jules welcome to group! I guess I might have remembered seeing you have a mini horse in your Pogo Mini but I never put all that together that is very cool!! I had a best friend growing up that loveeeeeeeeeeed horses. I also got to ride a few times at camp and loved it. Very neat!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
  • crystalwoodruff
    crystalwoodruff Posts: 13 Member
    am loving a new app called couch to 5k, its a program that you can do intervals of walking and running to eventually work up your stamina to run a 5k pretty neat i think
  • pepper300
    pepper300 Posts: 7 Member
    I love to swim to exercise! No strain on my joints and cooler in the summer. I have been a member here for a long time but my Pogo membership is older!