The Rules

pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
I will keep track of who has entered the competition (joined the group) and post the contentants weekly (starting Monday, August 20th). I will post who's still in and who's out.

Each competitor will need to post in the "I'm Still Alive" thread by Sunday evening each week that they have been keeping perfect track of their foods. You can verify that you're still alive in the competition anytime leading up to Sunday. And you don't need to track your foods immediately ... just do it the way you're currently tracking your intake. We're on the honor system here. But if someone doesn't check in weekly, then they are booted (unless the message me before hand that they won't be able to post).

If you don't track your food, then you need to man-up (or woman-up) and post in the "I'm Out" thread.

To keep it simple:
1. Sign-up for the competition by joining the group
2. Post in the "I'm Still Alive" thread weekly (by Sunday evening)
3. Post in the "I'm Out" thread when you've didn't track any food or drink that has entered your mouth.

I'll have these threads up on August 20th.

Best of luck.
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