Input Calories???

How do you add Insanity to your diary here?? Iam new to MFP and I started Insanity 7/30!!! Tonight is Pure Cardio for me..kinda nervous...


  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I have a HRM and use that to add my own exercise. I think others have been adding it as circuit training? I have burning between 350-450 calories though.
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    I have been entering it as "Circuit Training, General". I've heard the best way is with a HR monitor like rosarenee does. The one I ordered is out on the UPS truck for delivery! :)
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I have a HR monitor too and have burned anywhere from 250-400ish and both times was drenched with sweat so its all about body and how the energy level.

    To ACTUALLY enter it if you have a HR Monitor is go to Exercise, click my exercise, click create exercise and its self explanatory from there.

    If you don't then I would suggest add it as Circuit Training like the others :-)
  • MtTovey
    MtTovey Posts: 58 Member
    If you're looking for exact caloric intake and output, I suggest do what the other ladies have suggested. But I eat my 1550 cals, give or take, and go with that and don't worry about plugging it in.
  • mary70
    mary70 Posts: 47 Member
    I've been using the HRM too. I'm kind of obsessive w/ being accurate, so I caved in and bought one about a month ago lol.
  • Ok cool I'll do that until I get my HRM. Next you all follow the calorie intake from the nutrition guide or the one calculated from MFP
  • I calculated both ways and they about match. My advice, until you get your heart rate monitor, is to use the nutritional guide configurations for your calories. I figured mine as lightly active and it pretty much matches what mine is according to MFP after putting in my calories burned from Insanity. :) Hope that helps!