
So I was diagnosed with anorexia at 12/13 and then by 14 it had progressed into bulimia aswell so i was admitted as an inpatient at a treatment facility, after spending one year there I came out and really started to get on track until I was 18 and I went the other way and put on a lot of weight so by 19 after near enough doubling my weight in a year I went on a Health kick and it's started getting out of control in the last year I've gone from 14 stone to between under seven stone, I really need to get back on track but the more weight I loose the more I want to loose but on the flip side I want to be able to go out for a meal without buying everything on the menu and then making myself sick after, I want have breakfast with my boyfriend rather than going out jogging at meal times, I want to stop lying to him saying I ate out or making crumbs on the side so it looks like ive ate.