Spicy Shrimp Fried Rice


Let me say first that I love the final results. I will be tweaking it for the future.
In the recipe itself, there is some things I found confusing. For instance, the shrimp is supposed to be seasoned with paprika, garlic powder, and chili powder, and cayenne pepper but it does not say how much. I guessed, and I think I WAY overdid the cayenne because the dish was TOO spicy.
Lesson learned! That's the first thing I will modify next time.
The second thing I will change is that I do not really love shrimp in the fried rice. I will substitute with some chicken breast, although I haven't figured out yet how that will impact the calories.
Also, I would love this with peas in it. Next time I will definitely be adding them.
Overall, this is very filling, especially since it uses brown rice.
