Week 7 Weigh In

I started this challenge at 237
As of 8/3/12 I am 214.4
That is a weight loss of 22.6lbs in 7 weeks!


  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member

    SW 233
    Start of Challenge 205.5
    CW 192.5
    GW 175
    Loss this week - 4 (actually it's been about a week and a half, changed my weigh in day to Friday for this challenge)
    Challenge Total - 13
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 168 Member
    I stayed the same this week.....Boooooooooo LOL
    I've lost 10.2 lbs for this challenge, so I'm still on track to loose the 30 by Oct
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    SW: 177
    Starting Challenge Weight: 171
    CW: 173.6 Wk 1: 6/23 (Friend visited and I caused stress weight gain...) gained 2.6lbs
    CW: 170.5 Wk 2: 6/30 Dropped 3.1 lbs! YES!
    CW: 170.1 Wk 3: 7/7 Dropped 0.4 lbs!
    CW: 169.6 Wk. 4 7/14 Dropped 0.5 lbs!
    CW: 169.1 WK 5 7/21 Dropped 0.5 lbs!
    CW: 168.5 WK 6 7/28 Woohoo! dropped 0.6 lbs!
    CW: 168.1 WK 7 8/4 Dropped 0.4 lbs.

    Total pounds lost for challenge: 2.9 lbs.steady steady steadily going down.

    *I had lost more weight over last weekend with the camping trip I did. But didn't keep up the same level of excerise I had done from the hiking over the weekend. So I gained some back. :indifferent:

    Today: Going for a run, a possible gym session with my workout buddy and some yoga. :bigsmile: Time to get this party started! Oh yeah... and I guess some cleaning as well. lol
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    SW: 334lbs

    8/5/12 Weigh In: 310 lbs

    CW: 294 lbs

    GW: 200/190 lbs

    Lost 0lbs this week. =(

    Total of 24 lbs lost during challenge.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    @Scott - You have made awesome progress during and before this challenge. Way to go!
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    SW of Challenge: 207
    CW: 197.6
    GW: 177

    - 9.4 to date
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    SW for MFP: 233.9 lbs
    SW (for challenge) 230.4 lbs
    Week 1: 226.2 lbs
    Week 2: 223.3 lbs
    Week 3: 219.6 lbs
    Week 4: 220.9 lbs
    Week 5: 217.8 lbs
    Week 6: 219.4 lbs
    CW: 215.6 lbs

    GW 199 lbs

    Loss of 3.8 lbs this week! Total loss of 14.8 lbs since starting the challenge!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    I see you good drops! Keep up the good work!

    SW: 175 (March 27)
    Starting Challenge Weight: 158
    CW: 159 Wk 2: 6/25
    CW: 156.6 Wk 3: 7/6
    CW: 156.2 Wk 4: 7/14
    CW: 155.8 Wk 5: 7/20
    CW: 155.0 Wk 6: 7/29
    CW: 155.0 Wk 7: 8/6

    Total lost: 3 pounds
    Original GW: 129
    Revised GW: 149.8 (Under 150!) Revised 7/20

    I've been a bit frustrated with my weight, and could be really discouraged. However, I did my measurements yesterday, and they made me really happy! In 16 days, I had these changes:

    Neck: Down 1"
    Chest: Down 1"
    Bust: Down 3/8"
    Waist: Down 1/8" (Down 1 3/8 from a year ago)
    Belly: Down 7/8" (Down SIX inches from a year ago!)
    Hip: Down .75
    Thigh: Down .5 (Down 2.25 from a year ago)
    Butt: No change (Down 4.25 from a year ago!)
    Above knee: Down .5" (Down 1.25 from a year ago)
    Below knee: No change (Down 1 3/8 from a year ago)
    Calf: Down 3/8
    Ankles: Down 1/8
    Arms: Down 1.25
    Wrist: Down 1/8

    Total: 7 inches lost in 16 days!

    30 pounds would be nice ... and I'm sure it will come in time. If I had to choose between pounds and inches, I'll take the inches! :)
  • JennyNotSoSkinny
    JennyNotSoSkinny Posts: 97 Member
    SW: 246
    Starting Challenge Weight: 227
    CW: 213.4
    GW: 150

    Down 2 this week, let's keep it going guys!!!!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I see you good drops! Keep up the good work!

    SW: 175 (March 27)
    Starting Challenge Weight: 158
    CW: 159 Wk 2: 6/25
    CW: 156.6 Wk 3: 7/6
    CW: 156.2 Wk 4: 7/14
    CW: 155.8 Wk 5: 7/20
    CW: 155.0 Wk 6: 7/29
    CW: 155.0 Wk 7: 8/6

    Total lost: 3 pounds
    Original GW: 129
    Revised GW: 149.8 (Under 150!) Revised 7/20

    I've been a bit frustrated with my weight, and could be really discouraged. However, I did my measurements yesterday, and they made me really happy! In 16 days, I had these changes:

    Neck: Down 1"
    Chest: Down 1"
    Bust: Down 3/8"
    Waist: Down 1/8" (Down 1 3/8 from a year ago)
    Belly: Down 7/8" (Down SIX inches from a year ago!)
    Hip: Down .75
    Thigh: Down .5 (Down 2.25 from a year ago)
    Butt: No change (Down 4.25 from a year ago!)
    Above knee: Down .5" (Down 1.25 from a year ago)
    Below knee: No change (Down 1 3/8 from a year ago)
    Calf: Down 3/8
    Ankles: Down 1/8
    Arms: Down 1.25
    Wrist: Down 1/8

    Total: 7 inches lost in 16 days!

    30 pounds would be nice ... and I'm sure it will come in time. If I had to choose between pounds and inches, I'll take the inches! :)

    AWESOME! Great progress!
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    Only lost .4lbs, but I've lost an overall 5.5 inches. So I'll be happy for the lost inches. Hope everyone is doing well. Keep smiling!!
  • TMF1123
    TMF1123 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Team,

    I'm down 2 lbs this week

    SW 193
    Challenge SW - 185
    CW- 178
    GW - 155

    keep up the good work everyone!
  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    SW: 310.6 lbs.
    CW: 302.0 lbs.
    GW: 275 lbs.
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    @Scott - You have made awesome progress during and before this challenge. Way to go!

    Sorry for the long delay reply. Thanks so much, yeah it's an awesome ride and scare one at the same time. =)