Everyday things to burn some extra calories

ASchaffer23 Posts: 42 Member
Hi Ladies, I had to start back to work about a month ago and I have a desk job, I just wanted to throw out a few tips on burning calories when you just don't have time to exercise. I don't know about any of you, but its really hard to find ways to keep moving when I'm stuck sitting down for so long. Here are some things I have been trying to keep me moving, hopefully it will help some of you.
* Take the stairs as much as possible... (at work & at home.) If you have stairs in your house you could keep the changing table on another floor so you have to go up and down stairs every time you need to change your baby.
* When ever you go somewhere whether it be work or the grocery store, park in the back of the parking lot so you can getting some walking in.
Has anyone else started back at work and is struggling with trying to find enough time to exercise between working and taking care of your baby/kids and the house?
What are some things you do to stay active?
If any of you have any tips PLEASE share them.... we all know how hard it is to focus on yourselves and getting back into shape when all your time goes into your kids. Lets help each other out and motivate each other to get our pre-pregnancy hot bodies back!


  • hannaheddo
    hannaheddo Posts: 8 Member
    I try to take my lo to the park, she loves swings and slides, and at 11 months still likes me to go on slides with her... that's stairs and running from bottom of slide to bottom of steps... walking to the park. Try going to get a drink from the floor upstairs instead of on your floor at work.. get off the bus a stop early. get the kids to play 'chasy' with you... x