New Pack Member

Hi everybody!!

I'm mom to an 11month old girl and finally ready to take care of myself.

I've had a hard time dealing with my "new body" - I've always thought of myself heavy to begin with but for some reason the rut I'm stuck in is deeper than the ruts I've had to deal with before.

A bit about myself - I own and run an English school in Japan, so I'm on the go 6 days a week from about 10am to 8 or 9pm. Hubby helps me with the business and takes care of the babe when I'm teaching.

If I manage my time well, I can cook meals in the morning, but I have a hard time putting and planning meals together. There's not a lot of selection in Japanese grocery stores, so recipes can be limiting with regards to ingredients.

I know that Japanese food is supposed to be super healthy but I avoid fish and all other things from the ocean at all costs, because of the disaster last year.

I'm looking forward to learning a lot about myself on this journey!


  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! You sound like you have your hands full, but what an exciting life you live! I have a friend who is living in Japan right now and she always talks about the different foods that they have. I can't imagine how tough it must be to try and loose weight while learning all about the foods from a different culture at the same time. Good luck to you = )