new to this group!

natesangel Posts: 210 Member
wanted to say hi to all! i've been on mfp for a bit, just started amp'ing up the motivation! diet isn't budging, i like the food i like, the goal is to keep it under numbers more than anything else. however the fitness part is my goal right now! doing round 2 30ds with a partial round of ri30 in between. new hrm is on the way. and planning on running the mswalkathon next year for my mom!
living in the Athlone/Wellington area and wondering if there is anyone else around here that would be interested in starting something up along the lines of C25K?
i have a 2 yr old and am a sahm so time is a little limited :( but dh has been great about letting me out between 7-8pm (post dinner, pre bath/bedtime routine!) if walking is your thing, i can always take her with me since we power walk with our ergo!! she's not big on running/jogging up there though! lol!


  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Welcome to the group!
    It is kind of a quiet group, more than I would like for it to be.
    I am on the south side of Edmonton but would love to work on the C25k, but haven't been able to find someone that would like to do it in the river valley or anywhere.
    I am self conscious so trying to also over come that by running outside. Where is Wellington? I know it's north but can't remember where.
    How do you like 30DS? I want to start RI30 as well.
    My goal is to lose a majority of my weight before my next Birthday in May.

    Good luck and if you'd like to meet up for a walk or something feel free to msg me. I will do my best to make it work, I do work 3 jobs but I will try to find time.
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    hi! wow you are busy! yep, north of yellowhead and west 127st. after some thought and a gentle reminder from hubby, the running is out of the question, i forgot why i didn't run in the first place! blew out some ligaments in my ankle and it's not safe anymore :( but always up for a good walk!
    loving 30ds, fate has conspired that i'm not allowed to do lvl 3 ? everytime i've tried something has come up! this round is a bad af and sick kid :( but otherwise i love it!!! RI30 was okay but i found it too stop and start, she'd explain the heck out of the move then do it, while 30ds she gets you started then talks through it which i find makes me focus better on both the move and the lesson!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Glad you have enjoyed 30DS I had a hard time sticking to 10 days of the same level and had to alternate it up a bit.

    Where do you like to go walking? I'm sure I can figure something out , meet you somewhere someday.
  • NicoleMarie0409
    Welcome! I loved the 30DS, I have done it twice. Once by myself and the 2nd time around with my cousin. It is a lot nicer (not as boring) with someone that is for sure! I did notice after about 7 days, I got tired of listening to Jillian repeat herself, so I put her on mute and added my own playlist which made it a lot more bearable :) Wished I lived closer to ya for the walks!
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    this is a pretty quiet group.
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    yep jillian is my gal! lol! i tried ripped in 30 and she said on that one to only do 5-6 days then take a break, but i didn't like the 'jerky' feel of the video so i just do 10 days each level, with a break every 6 (usually dh's first day off of the week) when it got boring i up'd the weight to 5lbs.
    as for my walks, my fav walk right now is just down to the train tracks then up through dunvegan and back home. if i have a planned walk somewhere though bus with my girl is always an option, the ergo makes it a killer cardio with 30lbs on my back!!
    pm me if you want to do something!!! just remember to mention this group or i don't pay attention!
  • MrSJWinship
    MrSJWinship Posts: 37 Member
    Whats 30DS? all i know is i want to run! but cant because i'm so heavy i feel like i'm gonna have a brain Aneurysm every time i run. So i need to lose a lot of weight before i can even jog comfortably. One day maybe in a couple of years i could run a marathon!
  • waistfinder
    waistfinder Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm new - why does that sound so old? I would also like to know what 30DS is(are?). I've been working with a personal trainer for months, and loving being strong and functional. Now it's time to get lighter and start eating right (yet again) and found MFP. I had great success with Weight Watchers online previously, but wow this is free, and frankly, I like it better.

    I wouldn't mind finding people to do cardio with. Doesn't have to be too formal, maybe water workouts at the pool once a week, or I'd really like to be creative, such as be a snow angel for seniors, or try skiing at Snow Valley/Rabbit Hill this season. Just something fun as an alternative to the treadmill all winter. Lower impact stuff keeps my knee happy. Paddling down the North Saskatchewan for 3 hours the other day burned up over 666 calories and was a hoot to boot! I'm in the southeast, but will travel and pick up. Empty nester, shift work. Feel free to request me as a friend. Also, if any one needs a quit smoking buddy, I'm you're gal.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    With my new puppy I'm teaching myself how to run outside. I finally feel confident and if I look funny I can blame my puppy cause she's just learning lol. (sounds horrible I know)

    30DS is 30 Day Shred a Jillian michaels workout dvd.

    Welcome you two, this is a fairly quiet site.
  • waistfinder
    waistfinder Posts: 27 Member
    Ah ha. Thanks for the answer to the 30DS mystery.
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    sorry for the very late response, yep 30 day shred jillian micheals, she kicked my butt for about 3 months and like 19 inches and 4 dress sizes! then toddler decided it was taking too much mommy time so i took a break! hoping to get back into once this stupid cough goes away. what is it with this city and the nasty bronchial coughs that go around right at the beginning of the season? at least with the flu i can loose a few lbs since i can't eat anyway! lol! okay i know that's not healthy but seriously right?!

    welcome to the new edmontonians here! hoping to start going back to swimming but i have to do the kiddie pool so not much help there (stay at home mom of 2 yr old) and no one seems to like grand trunk anyway!

    waistfinder, paddling sounds like a blast! my sil and i have been talking about doing the big run where you start north of devon and come down. timing hasn't synched up for that yet though!
  • waistfinder
    waistfinder Posts: 27 Member
    I've done the Devon to 50th street landing a few times. Makes for a great day. The evening floats from Ft. Edmonton to rafter's landing are pretty neat too. So surreal to look up and see a big city surrounding you when it feels like you're in the "wilderness". We've been thinking of doing the Genessee to Edmonton overnighter.

    Another cool adventure on the water is floating down the Pembina river on a tube. Only an hour's (?) drive west, and the provincial campground is the place to get out, so camping is a no-brainer.
  • emskjoth
    Im also new and am looking to find some friends to help motivate me into getting this done! I'm in Stony Plain, Alberta and am working towards a 80lb weight loss!
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    Im also new and am looking to find some friends to help motivate me into getting this done! I'm in Stony Plain, Alberta and am working towards a 80lb weight loss!

    welcome and good luck!!!