Droping P90x (to easy) for Insanity Tonight!

alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
Okay... I started p90x because my husband really wanted it and I thought I would give it a try since I was bored and wanted to switch things up. The only thing challenging though was the plyo. The kenpo and the cardio x did nothing. I thought at first since it was fun I didn't notice the burn. Then I got my HRM on Friday. WoW was I wrong. Not only was I not really in the zone at all, I found myself running up my stairs and having to skip part of the workout (the arm parts) to try and get my heart rate up! Obviously, it was too easy. AND with me doing all of that it only said I burned 297 calories! Also Tony takes WAY to many pauses and I was doing jumping jacks in those to keep my rate up. I am fed up with the lack of challenge! I also love cardio so I want more cardio. I do like the ab workout, plyo, and the weights but the other stuff is just too easy. Might look into a hybrid but I am first going to start the 60 day challenge with Insanity and go from there. I think it will kick my butt. I need a good butt kicking!


  • redleena
    redleena Posts: 9 Member
    I had the exact same issue! I did P90X last year (the full 90 days), but I never felt challenged.....or broke a sweat half the time. I just finished my second consecutive round of Insanity, and absolutely love it! It will kick your butt, but is still awesome! I just started Turbo Fire this morning. I was ready for a change. Good luck with Insanity!
  • jermaine1082
    jermaine1082 Posts: 7 Member
    Well I do both and insanity is more cardio so isn't the goal to have heart rate high whereas P90X is about building muscle mass(and it does for me quicker than insanity). Just saying don't want anyone to not do P90X based of these comments cause P90x get way more of a muscle burn than insanity does. But insanity has me sweating nonstop. I guess what i'm trying to say is it depends on what your focus is for which program works best for you.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    If you aren't sweating when doing weights then they ain't heavy enough ;-)
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Well I do both and insanity is more cardio so isn't the goal to have heart rate high whereas P90X is about building muscle mass(and it does for me quicker than insanity). Just saying don't want anyone to not do P90X based of these comments cause P90x get way more of a muscle burn than insanity does. But insanity has me sweating nonstop. I guess what i'm trying to say is it depends on what your focus is for which program works best for you.

    Yes you are right! For all those who are doing p90x I love the weight workouts they have however and the program is fantastic but the cardio is boring and not tough enough for me! After the first round of insanity, I think I might do the hybrid of both, take the best of both worlds! Cardio is what I wanted because I was tired of the elliptical, running, and rollerblading, and I thought p90x was more about non-stop cardio/plyo but I was wrong. I want agility and strength and stamina and being able to be really physical and active with sports. The Yoga, cardio x, and the Kenpo just didn't do it hard enough for me! I want the toughest cardio baby someone can give me!
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Now an update to all! I got the Insanity package sealed on craigslist for 60.00 last night. YAH! And I did the fit test last night. I scored as high or almost as the people in the video on the first 4 exercises and they have already completed 1-2 Insanity rounds sooo I know THIS IS SO FOR ME! and I know why the Kenpo didn’t do much for me know ;) Anyways I did the plyo this morning. FINALLY SOMETHING THAT KICKED MY BUTT! I made it all the way though and I loved it! It was tough at the end my legs were burning, my legs actually gave out on the last round in the last minute, and I had to pause! That has never happened to me before! I have never had sweat dripp off my forehead before. Nothing has actually been able to challenge me like this! My heart rate got all the way up to 173. I think with Kenpo I was in the 140’s max but my average was 125. With this bad boy I averaged around 145, which was over my max on the Kenpo. Wow it was amazing! LOVE IT! So excited to find something that was actually a challenge. Being an athlete to begin with, its hard to find that challenge so this is soooo for me! IT KICKED MY YOU KNOW WHAT AND I THANK GOD I DON’T HAVE TO DO THE ELLIPTICAL OR RUN FOR A WHILE! Glad to have something else that will push me! :) YAHHH! I also am not a fan of running, this stuff... LOVE IT!
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    A hybrid is exactly what you want. I had the same issues with P90X...got great mucle definition from the days with weights, but the cardio didn't challenge me. below is the P90X / Insanity hybrid worksheet...as you said best of both worlds!!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Well I do both and insanity is more cardio so isn't the goal to have heart rate high whereas P90X is about building muscle mass(and it does for me quicker than insanity). Just saying don't want anyone to not do P90X based of these comments cause P90x get way more of a muscle burn than insanity does. But insanity has me sweating nonstop. I guess what i'm trying to say is it depends on what your focus is for which program works best for you.

    Agree. Two entirely different programs.

    Cardio for instant calorie gratification (burns fat during workout)

    Strength Training for continuous calorie gratification (builds muscle which burns more fat at rest)

    Best case scenario is to do both types.
  • JulieisaC
    JulieisaC Posts: 24 Member
    If you aren't sweating when doing weights then they ain't heavy enough ;-)

    This. I'm doing P90X now after finishing Insanity, and am planning on swapping out Kenpo for Capoeira and Cardio X for various Insanity workouts, because i agree with cardio challenge levels, but I'm curious what you were lifting?? You must be a pull up champ!!!