UPDATE: Second date!

Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
So you all know the guy who I went on a date with about 3 weeks ago, who I was super frustrated with because he wasn't asking me out again, well a couple nights ago he said we should hang out again! So, we are getting together August 17th. I know, its far away but I'm going out of town this week.

Coincidentally, the day he asked me out again was the same day his family left town, which tells me he really was just busy with family stuff and I was being far too paranoid. haha

I'm glad we are going out again because we have a lot in common and I find talking to him very easy and he doesn't make me nervous (which is no easy task because MOST guys make me nervous).

Anyway, we aren't exactly sure what to do on our date yet. It's on a Friday. Our last date was an afternoon movie and an early dinner during a weekday. So I think it would be cool to have an evening date since this is on the weekend and all. Any suggestions? Or should I let him be the one to plan everything since he asked?


  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I'm not sure why you are even bothering to go on this date. To me, it signifies an error in your process. I also think you should have scheduled other dates with other men in the meantime. There are plenty of dates that you could have scheduled.

    Your 2nd date should have been no more than 5-7 days after your first date.

    A guy who waits 3 weeks to ask you out again isn't making you a priority. Likewise, he probably struck out with his higher level prospects and is returning to you because he thinks he can. So if you're ok with playing second fiddle now and throughout the course of your interaction (early interactions set the precedent for the rest of the relationship), by all means go for it. Because he'll continue to treat you as if you are not a priority. You deserve better than that. :smile:

    Women do this to men too.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Life gets in the way sometimes. I get what DM1983Z is saying, but it is summer: families come to visit, people go away, scheduling things gets tricky. I'd be surprised and a little concerned if someone prioritised a second date over visiting family - it's still early days. I wouldn't write him off just yet - there are mitigating factors.

    If, on the other hand, he takes three weeks to arrange a third date, with no mitigating factors, then I'd be thinking hard about his priorities and where you want to fit in his life, if at all.

    As for what you do, my understanding is if he asked, he should plan. Maybe you could call him a couple of days before to check what you're doing (so you know whether to wear a dress and heels or jeans and hiking boots!), with a backup suggestion in mind... Are there any summer-evening outdoor cinemas/concerts etc in your area?
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I also think you should have scheduled other dates with other men in the meantime. There are plenty of dates that you could have scheduled.

    Why didn't I think of that? Let me cancel this date and then choose another guy to go out with from my bevy of suitors! ;) haha
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I also think you should have scheduled other dates with other men in the meantime. There are plenty of dates that you could have scheduled.

    Why didn't I think of that? Let me cancel this date and then choose another guy to go out with from my bevy of suitors! ;) haha
    Oh please............... :ohwell:
    I'll save my tears for someone else. You're not only young but hot, not "blonde bimbo" hot, but girl next door hot so if you complain about the lack of suitors, what will it be in 20 years!
    Not saying you should have a "bevy of suitors" (and that might not be fair to the "man of the moment" - so I get that), but you shouldn't be worried about finding other options should you choose to at the very least.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I also think you should have scheduled other dates with other men in the meantime. There are plenty of dates that you could have scheduled.

    Why didn't I think of that? Let me cancel this date and then choose another guy to go out with from my bevy of suitors! ;) haha

    Always choose the one with his own private jet. Saves a tremendous amount of time on weekend jaunts to Paris or Monoco.

  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Why do you guys assume that she is lying about not having anyone else to date???
    Didnt you see that other thread all about how young men aren't dating anymore they are just hanging out?
    If the OP doesn't feel desirable its probably alot to do with the men around her not asking her out because they are chicken lol.
    She is lovely and I'm sure would have no lack of interested men but they don't ask girls out any more!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I also think you should have scheduled other dates with other men in the meantime. There are plenty of dates that you could have scheduled.

    Why didn't I think of that? Let me cancel this date and then choose another guy to go out with from my bevy of suitors! ;) haha
    Oh please............... :ohwell:
    I'll save my tears for someone else. You're not only young but hot, not "blonde bimbo" hot, but girl next door hot so if you complain about the lack of suitors, what will it be in 20 years!
    Not saying you should have a "bevy of suitors" (and that might not be fair to the "man of the moment" - so I get that), but you shouldn't be worried about finding other options should you choose to at the very least.

    Not really helpful, Florian. If the girl says she has no suitors, she obviously feels she has no suitors/ there aren't many options around. Could be a location thing (or an industry thing). Don't forget there are more women than men in the world these days... I agree she's lovely to look at (nice photo, btw!), but I have friends who are absolutely exquisite...and single. Looking great isn't a guarantee of multiple men wanting to date you, despite the 'men are more visual' thing that crops us so often here.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I also think you should have scheduled other dates with other men in the meantime. There are plenty of dates that you could have scheduled.

    Why didn't I think of that? Let me cancel this date and then choose another guy to go out with from my bevy of suitors! ;) haha
    Oh please............... :ohwell:
    I'll save my tears for someone else. You're not only young but hot, not "blonde bimbo" hot, but girl next door hot so if you complain about the lack of suitors, what will it be in 20 years!
    Not saying you should have a "bevy of suitors" (and that might not be fair to the "man of the moment" - so I get that), but you shouldn't be worried about finding other options should you choose to at the very least.

    Not really helpful, Florian. If the girl says she has no suitors, she obviously feels she has no suitors/ there aren't many options around. Could be a location thing (or an industry thing). Don't forget there are more women than men in the world these days... I agree she's lovely to look at (nice photo, btw!), but I have friends who are absolutely exquisite...and single. Looking great isn't a guarantee of multiple men wanting to date you, despite the 'men are more visual' thing that crops us so often here.

    Very true. Although a lot of the guys on here think that we have all these men to date, we don't. And yes many gorgeous women are single, so your looks have nothing to do with your likelihood of being in a relationship - although it doesn't hurt them.

    DM, it's not like we all have a million guys ready to date us. I would love that but it's just not true. I haven't been asked out since March.

    Laura - congrats I am glad we were wrong!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Why do you guys assume that she is lying about not having anyone else to date???
    Didnt you see that other thread all about how young men aren't dating anymore they are just hanging out?
    If the OP doesn't feel desirable its probably alot to do with the men around her not asking her out because they are chicken lol.
    She is lovely and I'm sure would have no lack of interested men but they don't ask girls out any more!
    Oh, I never said she was lying. I'm sure she indeed doesn't have any suitors.
    But there (seemingly, of course) is no "real" reason why this is, of all the people on this forum, she'll be of those who will have a lot less work than others to get the ball rolling. Thus, I'll save my tears for someone else...
    Yep, men won't be flooding at her door, they won't suddenly change and magically ask her out, she won't make every man she sees fall in love instantly either, but that's how life is for 99% of the people. So she just needs to put an extra push here and there, change this or that, make a little bit of an effort and then she should be "good", like everyone else.
    Just saying nothing comes for free, but it shouldn't be too expensive for her either.
    Not really helpful, Florian. If the girl says she has no suitors, she obviously feels she has no suitors/ there aren't many options around. Could be a location thing (or an industry thing). Don't forget there are more women than men in the world these days... I agree she's lovely to look at (nice photo, btw!), but I have friends who are absolutely exquisite...and single. Looking great isn't a guarantee of multiple men wanting to date you, despite the 'men are more visual' thing that crops us so often here.
    Men don't want to date you... Surely there is a reason for it.
    I'd try to change this reason (whatever it is), or you can wait for men to change to match exactly what you are, what your need are, and knock on your door (which probably won't happen, but might). At least, women who've got the looks have it easy for the initial phases, then of course, they still need to have a pleasant personality.
    This is why I encourage women to ask men out, I think they should empower themselves. Taking control is great.

    EDIT: I will now officially pray every day with all my heart for every woman who says "I haven't been asked out..." or "Nobody ever asks me out!" or any variant to die on the spot. Change your f'in attitude :mad: :mad: :mad: ! Take some control! Stop waiting for stuff to happen to you, stop missing out on great opportunities...
    (not really mad at all :wink: :laugh: )
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Men don't want to date you... Surely there is a reason for it.

    I know the reason. It's because I'm shy. I think my quietness makes me unapproachable and men automatically see me as stuckup.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member

    Men don't want to date you... Surely there is a reason for it.

    I know the reason. It's because I'm shy. I think my quietness makes me unapproachable and men automatically see me as stuckup.

    They probably don`t think you are stuck up but if you spend most of your social time looking at the floor,a distant wall or clearly only showing attention to female friends you simply are sending the message "stay away" with it.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Life gets in the way sometimes. I get what DM1983Z is saying, but it is summer: families come to visit, people go away, scheduling things gets tricky. I'd be surprised and a little concerned if someone prioritised a second date over visiting family - it's still early days. I wouldn't write him off just yet - there are mitigating factors.

    It is possible to make an excuse for any time of year. The worst time for scheduling dates or getting anything done is from Thanksgiving-New Year's Day in the US.

    If my family came to me visit me, I would want to go on dates if it were a woman I wanted to see. And my family members would understand. Each of them have a different perspective, but there'd be uniform support for me going on a date while they were around.

    Scheduling is tricky even without mitigating factors. Just competing with television, friends, work is hard enough.

    Single men typically do not travel for recreation unless they can schedule something to see an out of town friend. Single men may travel for work. Recreational travel is so much harder without a significant other.

    In this case, the guy Laura is interested in is 18. He won't be planning his own trips, but he is still young enough to go on family trips with the parents. But that probably was not the case here.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i am sooooo tired of hearing that " you are such a catch" kind of talk!!! exhausted by it.

    if we were all such catches, we would be getting caught!!!! we would be getting asked out, we would be dating.

    we live in a world where the grass is ALWAYS greener!!!! ALWAYS!!!!

    i have no real way to meet single men in "real life." i've been relying on the whole online dating thing. or trying to catch someone's eye when leaving the gym. i have actually been told, via message ( online) that i'm not really even desired as FRIEND material!!! yup, i wasn't their "type" of friend...... and forget anything happening as i leave the gym. i almost always have my 5 kids in tow. if anyone is looking at me it's because of them. and i certainly don't look like the available, single woman.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Life gets in the way sometimes. I get what DM1983Z is saying, but it is summer: families come to visit, people go away, scheduling things gets tricky. I'd be surprised and a little concerned if someone prioritised a second date over visiting family - it's still early days. I wouldn't write him off just yet - there are mitigating factors.

    It is possible to make an excuse for any time of year. The worst time for scheduling dates or getting anything done is from Thanksgiving-New Year's Day in the US.

    If my family came to me visit me, I would want to go on dates if it were a woman I wanted to see. And my family members would understand. Each of them have a different perspective, but there'd be uniform support for me going on a date while they were around.

    Scheduling is tricky even without mitigating factors. Just competing with television, friends, work is hard enough.

    Single men typically do not travel for recreation unless they can schedule something to see an out of town friend. Single men may travel for work. Recreational travel is so much harder without a significant other.

    In this case, the guy Laura is interested in is 18. He won't be planning his own trips, but he is still young enough to go on family trips with the parents. But that probably was not the case here.

    I am a person who prioritizes family over other things. If I'm with family, especially family I don't see often, I choose to hang out with them. I completely understand this guys point of view. Maybe he could have planned a date for after they left but the past is the past.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I have yet to be contacted by a sorts of the male counterpart, requesting to spend time with me. :)

    I am one that pops into the circles of people conversing, I am the one that makes the first move, I am the one that clicks on the profile and leaves a polite message, I am the one that sits down right next to the unsuspecting man only to start a conversation, I am the one that invites myself to different activites in hopes of meeting someone, I am not the one that sits on the wall and blends in, I am not the one that sits at home wishing something would happen.

    I do however as I go to bed everynight, pray that one day, someone will come to me and just simply look at me, maybe even smile, and maybe just maybe say some nice words that form a sentence or even a question.

    I must be quite fugly. LOL.

    I feel like at some point I am forcing something to happen, but then I look back at my father who has been single for 15 years, yes 15 YEARS, he is such a gentleman, works hard, and still is lonely. But by some unknown reason does he deserve this?
    I fear this and this is what drives me to be the first one to make the move...etc all the stuff above.

    To the OP: Ride the wave as long as you have it, as long as he expresses some kind of interest in you that he wants to spend time. Great, take it. Enjoy it, but don't completely commit yourself to him, as he has not completely committed to you it sounds like.
    As far as the frequency of the dates...you could always suggest something if you feel they are spaced out, I know I'm from podunk so I have no idea what it's like out there, maybe he's strapped for money, strapped for time, has kids everyother weekend....maybe he has obligations that he doesn't want to disclose right away.... you never know.

    Enjoy the date!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Life gets in the way sometimes. I get what DM1983Z is saying, but it is summer: families come to visit, people go away, scheduling things gets tricky. I'd be surprised and a little concerned if someone prioritised a second date over visiting family - it's still early days. I wouldn't write him off just yet - there are mitigating factors.

    It is possible to make an excuse for any time of year. The worst time for scheduling dates or getting anything done is from Thanksgiving-New Year's Day in the US.

    If my family came to me visit me, I would want to go on dates if it were a woman I wanted to see. And my family members would understand. Each of them have a different perspective, but there'd be uniform support for me going on a date while they were around.

    Scheduling is tricky even without mitigating factors. Just competing with television, friends, work is hard enough.

    Single men typically do not travel for recreation unless they can schedule something to see an out of town friend. Single men may travel for work. Recreational travel is so much harder without a significant other.

    In this case, the guy Laura is interested in is 18. He won't be planning his own trips, but he is still young enough to go on family trips with the parents. But that probably was not the case here.

    He's 18 - he probably doesn't have family who live at some distance saying "yes, go out on dates while we're in town - we see so much of you it doesn't matter!". He quite possibly also has parents on whom he is financially reliant in some way saying "You need to stick around while the family's in town - you can see your friends and go on dates once they're gone." That's pretty much the line in my family - if family are travelling from out of town to see you, you avoid scheduling anything non-essential while they're around. Especially while still living under a parental roof. Your family sound remarkably easy-going.

    Not sure what the single-men travelling thing is about - I thought Laura was the one going out of town. Besides which, isn't the post-High School Road Trip something of a rite of passage in the US? Also, I'm not sure why you think it so unlikely that he may be being dragged on a family holiday if he's 18 and he's the one going out of town - sounds pretty plausible to me in July/ August.

    As for this...
    I am one that pops into the circles of people conversing, I am the one that makes the first move, I am the one that clicks on the profile and leaves a polite message, I am the one that sits down right next to the unsuspecting man only to start a conversation, I am the one that invites myself to different activites in hopes of meeting someone, I am not the one that sits on the wall and blends in, I am not the one that sits at home wishing something would happen.

    Thank you. And you're not the only one. :flowerforyou: As much as I hate doing it, I do all of these things. Waiting around for the proverbial lightning bolt wasn't getting me anywhere, so... It is profoundly frustrating and demoralising when you continually make the effort and get zero reward, again and again and again. It's all very well saying that women should make the first move, but men need to pick up on it and run with it. I'm not asking you about your fascination with all things Grands Prix and then listening to you talk about it for half an hour because I particularly like motor racing. I'm asking because I'm interested in you!
    Men don't want to date you... Surely there is a reason for it.

    If only I was a mind-reader.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member

    I know the reason. It's because I'm shy. I think my quietness makes me unapproachable and men automatically see me as stuckup.

    I think I am in the same boat here. Or I am unknowingly sending out intimidating vibes of some sort.
  • disneywm76
    disneywm76 Posts: 573 Member
    i have no real way to meet single men in "real life." i've been relying on the whole online dating thing.

    and i certainly don't look like the available, single woman.

    This is so me!!! Between working, taking care of a home, and dealing with kids activities it really leaves me no time for meeting new people. Not to mention I have my kids most of the time.

    To the OP: go and have fun. But keep in mind that you could be his backup because other things didn't work out. Good luck!!
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    i am sooooo tired of hearing that " you are such a catch" kind of talk!!! exhausted by it.

    if we were all such catches, we would be getting caught!!!! we would be getting asked out, we would be dating.

    we live in a world where the grass is ALWAYS greener!!!! ALWAYS!!!!

    Same here. When my grandma passed away, I was at the funeral dinner with some family members on my dad's side that I hadn't seen since I was a toddler. During conversation, my cousin who lives in Germany asked if I had a boyfriend. When I said 'no,' she looked at me, blinked a few times, then said, "are the men blind where you live??" It was flattering to hear, I'll admit. I also wondered if men in Germany had better eyesight. :wink:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    DM- Not everyone needs to make someone a priority after one date, let things develop naturally. If he was busy/didn't feel like hanging out/whatever it doesn't mean that he will always feel that way. If they have fun together there's no reason not to hang out again. Sometimes it takes me a few dates before I really become interested in someone.

    Laura- For the most part let him do the planning. But don't just say "Whatever you want, I don't care." Have some insight, have an opinion, but let him think it was his idea.