What's the longest you've gone...?



  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    I NEVER went without a period. The only reason I knew something was wrong was because every month I am in so much pain that I am doubled over in the fetal position bawling my eyes out. No amount of pain killers help. Of course, I was on birth control from age 19 to 22. I got pregnant, but started up right away and was back on birth control after 3 months. I was 23. I thnk that is why I was so regular.

    I was almost too regular. Every 21 days almost to the day from the end of one to the beginning of the next. Even after I quit taking the pills, it was like I was still on them because I was that regular. Finally, three years ago, I was in so much pain I went to the ER. They gave me a sonogram and was diagnosed then.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I had PCOS before I got my cycle. The ovaries had about 3 cysts from ages 16-22 I never had regular cycles...MAYBE 5 ...a year?
    Then I became ...active *ahem* and the thing started coming all the time.

    After losing about 130 pounds...I get one almost every month, but it is painful....
    I'm actually trying to get my doctor to remove my ovaries because the cycle makes me REALLY depressed, and I'm basiclly bed ridden for the first day.

    Metformin was a life saver for me, I mean I hate it cause my stomach feels unhappy, but it's worth it in the end.
    The second thing we tried was the depo shot....
    F.U. Depo.

    If you need support, feel free to add me. :)
  • gidget_44
    The longest I ever went was three years. It was before I was diagnosed, I knew that something was wrong because I also gained close to 70 lbs that year and the only thing that changed in my life was that I wasn't working out as much anymore. I didn't have health insurance, so I couldn't go to the doctor. When I finally went, she started immediately testing me for PCOS and then immediately put me on birth control to start my period.
    I have been off the pill for about three years now due to how sick it makes me, but now my periods come extremely sporadically, about one every six months, sometimes I will get lucky and hit four periods in a beautiful 28 day cycle...but not normally.
    Really glad to see that there is a group for this.
  • fittyfittybumbum
    Yes! PCOS is the reason why periods are painful and heavy. But BC should lessen those symptoms and regulate your period almost immediately. I had to go on BC because the last period I had in DEC 2010 lasted for 2months and was so heavy I needed a blood transfusion and take BC three times a day to make it stop. The next month I could take regular dosage. Periods were amazing while on BC. But I only stayed on them for about 1yr because they made my weight skyrocket (even though they claim they don't...they do...just about any womyn on BC experiences the same problem) When I got off, pounds melted off with my usual diet and exercise.

    I just so happend to be Gluten Intolerant as well...just found out this past July. I've noticed that every since I've gone gluten free, I've had 2 periods in the last 3 months that didn't kill me (sadly I'm speaking literally about the killing part)...which is a big triumph. Have no clue if me going gluten free is why, but it's worth looking into.
  • desilou23
    desilou23 Posts: 13 Member
    I want to say 4-5 months.....i really dont remember i stopped keeping track because they were so spiratic. i can still remember the first time i missed a period, i was 15, i told my mom, so she took me to the doctors becaus she thought i was pregnant (i was still a virgin) doctor gave me a pregnancy test, and he too was sooo convinced i was pregnant and having sex put a flashlight to the test because it came back negative. I have had the symptoms of pcos most of my life, yet i barely became diagnosed last year. And it wasnt even my doctor who diagnosed......