Advice for student teaching

I'm brand new to this group, so I'm hoping someone out here can help me. I'm student teaching this fall and I'm nervous. Not because I'm not prepared, but just because it is a new experience. Any tips/tricks you have from your student teaching that might help me out? I decided to post this here because I feel you guys and gals could still remember your student teaching days more clearly.... FYI I'm teaching English for 7th grade.


  • ALekaeHay
    ALekaeHay Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! I'm new to MFP and just found your post. While I'm sure you're well into your student teaching by this point I thought I'd pass along this little nugget of information that was passed to me: Anything your students do is not directed at you. All of their actions stem from something else going on in their life. -- This was so hard for me to accept! I'm a first year teacher (Language Arts, 7th and 8th grade) and often feel that my students are simply out to get me! lol

    Good luck! Nothing prepares you more for an actual classroom than student teaching, and even then there are SO MANY surprises in store further down the road!

  • I'm in my third year of teaching 7th grade English. How are things going so far?

    My best advice is to do whatever you can to earn glowing recommendations. You may not always agree with your mentor teachers, but work to the best of your ability and remind yourself that you'll have your own class one day.
  • Things are going very well overall! Love working with this age which is something I didn't think I would enjoy! I love the atmosphere and how much the students develop each day. I'm anxious for my own classroom though! :-)
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    Michelle said it well! Also, just a 411 I HATED student teaching (because of the teachers I worked with or who went mia the whole time I was there when they could have had 2 sets of hands to help struggling learners) but anywho. I love teaching. So keep that in mind! Feel free to add me :)
  • Yeah, my teacher has the opposite extreme - she wants me to do more but then won't let go of the reins! As long as I pass, I'll be happy but it's annoying as hell.