Started Insanity 8.6.12!

alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
Is there anyone else that started this past Monday? Would love to be friends so we can keep each other motivated!

I switched over from p90x after only 3 weeks because the cardio was too easy and I wanted more plyo! Wow did I get more plyo! :)
Here are my stats and goals!

Age: 30
Height: 5’1
Weight: 108.8 (8.8.12)
Goal Weight: 105 (Maybe… might have to go down to 100 to get my body fat where I want it, might not have to lose any)
Body Fat%: 17.8% (8.8.12 was down too 16.3% 7.27.12, err… darn period!)
Goal Body Fat%: 14%-15%

Measurement Tracker (8.8.12)
Chest: 30.25
L Bicep: 9.25
R Bicep: 9.25
Waist: 29.75
Hips: 31
L Thigh: 20.5
R Thigh: 20.5
L Calf: 12.6
R Calf: 12.75
Neck: 12.5

Switch Jacks WK1: 122
Power Jacks WK1: 52
Power Knees WK1: 115
Power Jumps WK1: 140
Globe Jumps WK1: 8
Suicide Jumps WK1: 17
Push-Up Jacks WK1: 23
Low Plank Oblique WK1: 42


  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I haven't started yet but will be in a few weeks when it arrives. I'll be behind you, but would love to be your friend and support you on your insane journey. And I'm always looking for more Christian MFP friends!

    BTW, you have a beautiful family!
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Aww thanks!!! When it arives.... where did you get it from??? Yes I have noticed, not alot of Christian's on this site ;) Not that I care but it is something you don't see to much of. ;)
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I think my mom is giving hers to me today! I plan to start on Monday. SO excited!!
  • idriven7
    idriven7 Posts: 24
    I started on the 6th. I've seen some results. But the scale is still my enemy! First week lost about 2.5lbs (that was probably do to the nutrition) and I've lost 2 inches amongst (chest/abs/butt) and gained 0.5 inch on arms and thighs. Big improvement from first Fit test to Second Fit test. :D

    Keep up the work and sweat it out!
  • laumanu0507
    laumanu0507 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey there! I started insanity this Monday August 10, 2012. I would like to be part of your group I need motivation and support.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Hi Laumanu ! I started Insanity on Monday, too. I'll send a friend request and we can support each other through this journey.