Working out when you go back to school

jencooks Posts: 62 Member
Anyone else nervous about falling off the wagon when school does start?
I'm worried about not working out and cupcakes!!! I teach pre-k and at least twice a week someone has a birthday and brings in a treat which they love to share with the teachers :)
So, my plan is to get up at 5:00AM on weekdays to fit in my workouts and allow myself to have 1 cupcake per month.

Do you have a plan?


  • amandaschroeder
    amandaschroeder Posts: 13 Member
    I am nervous too. My problem is I tend to not eat much during the day, I skip lunch a lot. I tend to either have 1) lunch duty or recess duty, 2) students working on missing work during recess, 3) an IEP or other meeting, or 4) I start socializing with another teacher and lose track of time. I also have my classroom next to the teachers' lounge where the teachers love to bring in yummy treats!
  • mtmom1012
    mtmom1012 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm still working on a plan. I am usually at school by 7, and I have 2 very young children. I'm not sure mornings would work for me, even though I loved it years ago when I'd go at 5. But trying to get 2 kids up, dressed, and delivered to grandparents and then get myself to work at 7 would be awful! And my husband leaves even earlier!

    I usually get out of school by 3, and I think I'll just make the committment to go right away at that time. I hate when the gym is crowded, but that usually doesn't happen here until after 4. I just worry about getting caught up at school with kids needing help and extra meetings and rehearsals and such. I don't want to shut out the kids! Hopefully I'll find a good balance.

    Plus, I love taking long walks around the neighborhood in the evenings with the kids and husband. I can keep that up!
  • mrsjuliana
    mrsjuliana Posts: 27 Member
    I have been watching what I have been eating, so as long as I continue to track and get my walks in-- I've been walking 30 minutes or more every day, I know I will be fine. Also with being back at school, I will be on my feet for most of the day as I teach grade 1... and I teach them gym twice a week.. so that will be a bonus too! I'm looking forward to going back to show off my hard work this summer.. :D