Extreme Thirst

blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
Ok I should probably know the answer to this given it is my second child but I do not remember being so thirsty at night like I am now. I have found myself leaving a water bottle on the night table so when I get up to go to the bathroom I can have a drink. My throat is so dry and I even wake up thirsty. A huge downfall is that I am going to the bathroom constantly so I feel terrible during the day since waking so much during the night. I am fine during the day its only at night. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or are experiencing this now.


  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Meee! and I drink plenty of water during the day ( at least 100 ouces)
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Not to freak you out or anything but I was extremely thirsty with this PG and like you found myself drinking tons of water, leaving a water bottle on the night stand, waking up to a dry throat, going to the bathroom constantly, especially during the night. Which left me extremely tired during the day. Well, I later found out that I have gestational diabetes after failing both my 1-hr and 3-hr glucose tests. I didn't have GD with my first two. Increased thirst, frequent urination and fatigue are all signs of GD. Unfortunately those are all typical signs of just being PG as well.

    Now that I have my blood sugar levels under control, I still drink plenty of water but not because of thirst and I have more energy. Good luck - hopefully it's just plain old PG symptoms and not GD. :)
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I have all those symptoms too, but I don't think it's GD (won't know for sure for another few weeks), because I've always been (more or less) that way. Could it be the A/C in your room? I find when I have the heat way up or cold air on blast it makes my throat pretty dry.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I don't keep water by my bed at night, but I do chug a glass or two before bed....and then I'm up to pee 30 minutes later! I have noticed that I'm a lot thirstier than usual. This is my first pregnancy, so I have nothing to compare it to. I probably drink 10-12 glasses of water a day, if not more. The thirst started as soon as I got pregnant too.

    And that's all I really know! Not much! :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I didn't have diabetes but I normally drank 1L of water a day, had to bump it up to about 2L during pregnancy. Now that I am breastfeeding it's worse, my thirst is unquenchable, LOL. Sorry! The bladder gets better though so I only have to go once during the night between diaper changes and feeding,
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm the same way!! I drink plenty during the day but its mainly right before bed that gets me! I always try to stop drinking anything at least an hour or so before bed but that seems to make me thirstier lol and it HAS to be ice cold or it doesn't quench my thirst so keeping it out by the bed doesn't work, I actually have to walk my sleepy *kitten* to the fridge lol