First Sprint Triathlon

Hey, I'm hoping to get some insight from those who have previously completed a sprint triathlon. I have one on Sept 30th 2012, and it will be my first.

Any advice or helpful hints? I think my biggest worry would be transitions, which I know you're supposed to practice, and the bike to run portion.

It's an indoor swim then outdoor bike and run. I assume I'll be wearing my wet swimsuit through out, so will I be ok with shorts and a shirt to do my bike/run in?

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help!



  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Practice your transitions – this means doing some swim-bike workouts, and some bike-run workouts. The bike-run is especially important as you want your legs to get used to going from the bike into the run. Your legs will feel like dead weight at first. This is normal. The more you practice the better it gets. Even just a short 5-10 minute run after a bike run will help to train the legs for this. As for the actual transitions, if you do a search on google or youtube, you can probably find some pics/video of how to set up your transition area. is also a good resource and there may be some photos there. I bring a large colorful towel to set all my gear on, then a smaller hand towel to dry my feet with. Some people will bring a bucket or water bottle to wash their feet. Personally I don’t bother. And with an indoor swim may not be necessary.

    I’ve never done a pool tri so I can’t really offer any advice on that part.

    Also in your workouts, you want to practice in/with whatever gear you plan to use for the tri. You want to be able to work out any wardrobe or equipment issues in advance. Also experiment with what you plan to eat/drink before and during the race. Plan a couple of longer workouts, close to race length, before the event at approximately the same time that the race will occur. Practice what you plan to eat the night before, and the morning of. You want to know in advance what food will sit well with you the day of the race. I like to check out the race venue in advance when possible. I will usually at least drive the bike course, and when possible I’ll try to actually bike and sometimes run the courses in advance. But that’s just because I like to know what I’m in for.

    Most importantly – have fun!!!! Smile when you see the race photographers on the course. Also have a friend or family member bring a camera and take lots of pictures.

    It seems like a lot to think about, so don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions.