
Introduce yourself... Name, Age, Starting weight, current weight, goal weight, and anything else you'd like to share!

Name: Katrina
Age: 23
SW: 222
CW: 217
GW: 140

**In the beginning of my journey but I'm working hard to get healthy!


  • Joybeans73
    Joybeans73 Posts: 2 Member
    hello, my name is Joy and I live in Benton Harbor Mi. Last spring (2011) I was 160 pounds and struggled with my weight. My future mother in law got sick and was not able to drive me to work anymore so I bought a bicycle. 16 miles round trip to where I work. Winter came and I put on some weight so all the weight I lost last summer I gained back. I worked it off this summer and I'm down to 138 lbs. My goal is 120. I'm 5'0" so that would be a good weight for me. Now I just have to tone what I have. This winter will be different because I have a treadmill and I'm determined not to repeat last year. I just found this site yesterday so it should help me stay on track
  • ShoshanahM
    ShoshanahM Posts: 50 Member
    Hey everyone, I just moved to St. Joseph. If you want a Planet Fitness (Benton Harbor) accountability-buddy, send me a message!

    I'm 5'6"
    A few years ago, I was almost 170, but after figuring out some food intolerance issues and beginning to run, I lost 35 pounds.
    I got married, stopped working out, so about 15 pounds crept back on.

    My starting weight in Jan 2013 was 152.
    My current weight is 144.
    I either want to be 130-135ish, or just more fit and firm overall. (If I have a higher number, but look like an Olympian, I'm cool with that.)

    So..not massive goals, but I need exercise in my life and to finally find a way of sticking with it!