Do you still explain away your situations?

kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
After years of living in dysfunction I thought I had gotten past that part of my life. Yet, for some reason I still feel compelled to explain away my every action. :frown: Like they aren’t justifiable without explanation. For all of my life people were always interrogating me about what was really going on with my life. As if they knew the carefully constructed wall of protection was hiding the secrets of my misery. I was protecting myself and my dysfunctional relationships at the same time. Now I don’t live in dysfunction any longer do and I don’t have anyone to protect anymore, but I can’t get out of the habit of over explaining. The thing is I know it pushes people away. And I don’t want to jeopardize my career. It was pointed out to me the other day. So now I have the fear that I am causing my own isolation because I don’t know how to adapt to normalcy. Have any of you had this same difficulty? And how did you escape the habit and become less transparent?


  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Oh man, yeah I have been there still am kind of.
    I try to just share with a select few, but still fight with it at times.
    I figure people will accept me as I am and love me for it eventually cause Im worth it or they wont and I move on..
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    it depends. what i'm talking about. and who i'm talking to.....
    i try to make it more about empowering myself and less about feeling like i have to defend or EXPLAIN my actions. like everything else, it's a process :-)