Super Monday!!!!! 8/13/12

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Today let's do more cardio and itroduce for some the superset idea. So, try the step jumps: You stand next to a step bench (if you have one), rope spresd length wise, pillow piled one ontop the other, or anything books the point is something you have to jump over! So, stand next to the object and jump side-wyas over the object and once on the other side jump do this back and forth for 12 reps...then immediately do push-ups 8-10 reps(however against the wall on teh floor on knees on a bench or chair or standard! Then repeat the cyecle. The point of supersets is minimal rest to keep the heart and muscles going for a great burn.

Now, of course if need a 15-30 sec break by all means take don't want folk passing out but keep it minimal! Let's go for it today!



  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Good workout! I might do this tomorrow, I did a lot of interval yesterday and sore today, but I would like to do this challenge.
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    Great challenge! I only did walking yesterday so this will be a great way to start the week :)
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I'm in... My arms and back are sore from this weekend bit my legs work great rawr!
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i would love to be in... hoping i can find the time....
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Okay I did it. I am lousy at push ups but I did do 2 sets of 9. My arms wobble much making it difficult to come down as far as you are suppose to. I jumped over a dog rope toy. I was not sure what constituted as a rep for jumping, none the less I jumped 24 times in a set.

    I am glad I got up off my frumpy butt and did the challenge. Thank you Garlic.

  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ha! I see a lot of folk did not participate in this one...I see why Jeeeezuz in heaven why did I say this one?!??! I did 2 sets bc did other workout but I am going to make myself do at least one all week...I was breathing like a sow! Gasp gasp!

    Keep going ya'll
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay I did them 3 times this week plus the leg lifts whew....I guess the challenge is if you find something that makes you gasp for air then maybe need to do it more often till improvement is noticed!