Metformin question

I have been on Metformin since summer of 2011 when I was diagnosed. I take 1000 mg/ day, it has never helped regulate my cycle or help with weight loss. I have seen many people talk about their Dr increasing their doses and not sure why that is. Since the dose I currently am on has not regulated my cycle should i talk to my Dr about increasing the dose for that reason?


  • mefit87
    mefit87 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi There!
    You've been on the 1000mg dose for a year now and if it hasn't done much for you then I suggest talking to your doctor to perhaps increase it. Maybe that would help with regulating.
    I'm currently on 1500 mg of Metformin (almost 1.5 years) and it never really regulated my cycles either. The only thing that regulates my cycles is birth control. Metformin has helped me with regulating my glucose levels and kind of losing weight but not too much though. Weight loss is still a daily struggle but I think it has helped a tiny bit. Before taking metformin I would gain crazy bouts of weight and have no clue as to why.
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Yeah my cycles are regular too on BC pills but I don't want to get on them cause I want to get pregnant and I've been on and off them a few times and my cycle did not continue after I stopped them.