Movember ?

stephaneb74 Posts: 151 Member
Brothers of the Royal Order of the Middle Aged Fat Men....

Movember is around the corner.... What do you say we create a group and try to raise money for this great cause that could touch us (pun intended) since we are at that age where well it is good to be checked anyway...

For those who do not know Movember, it is a month long fundraiser to raise awareness on man health (
At the first of the month, we start freshly shaven then have to let grow a mustache that will be auctioned of and shaved at the end of the month.... Mustache... not beard, goatee or other things....


  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    I've heard of Movember, definitely a worthy cause, especially for middle aged fat men.

    I did a little research and my initial concern with the Movember United States charity is that they didn't file an IRS 990 for 2011 and their fiscal year ended almost 4 months ago. They may have filed it and just haven't gotten around to posting it yet...

    In the US they donate to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Both charities have decent ratings, LIVESTRONG has much better financials, PCF expenses are growing 2x the growth of income, not a good trend...The good part is that in 2010, Movember US donated 86% of their ($7.5MM) funds to these two organizations which is a higher % than most charities.

    In 2010, the CEO took a salary of $80K for 14hrs/week and the US Country Mgr. got a Salary of $13K for 40hrs/week? $80K is not out of line for $7.5MM (the US only generated about 5% of the $128MM revenues reported in 2010) I didn't look at the other country documents, but it would be interesting to see how much the CEO is taking from each of those and combine them. The average CEO salary for major charities is $150-200K. Theoretically, if he took the same 1% from each charity, it would calculate out to a $1.28MM salary...

    I'm just putting this information out here for informational purposes; it's good to know where the money goes whenever you donate to a charity.
  • stephaneb74
    stephaneb74 Posts: 151 Member
    mmmmmh thanks for digging this information..... I guess

    Anyway Movember is also an event that is growing in popularity and if the official goal is to raise money for these programs, the more important goal in my opinion is to raise awareness....

    Not many people know that most of these diseases or conditions can be prevented with a doctor visit. So Middle aged men of all origins and horizons, I encourage you to go talk to your Health care professional if it is not already done...
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    I agree, it's an important issue to me personally. I know Movember is a growing movement internationally and I think it's a great way to bring awareness to the issue. I won't participate because I look horrible in a moustache and my wife would make me sleep outside until I shaved it or grew a beard. LOL It can get cold here in Michigan in November :)