No longer active Marine (and former high school athlete)

As the subject title mentions I am a no longer active (once a Marine, always a Marine) United States Marine that was also a former high school athlete that never worried about what he ate, or how much. The scale tonight showed the highest number that I have ever seen, 350, but the scale and I do not have a reoccurring schedule of any frequency at all. I typically weigh myself at the most once in a year (and that is being generous).

Have heard about the myfitpal app from a couple people I know and they have given it rave reviews, one even by his MD's direction. So I decided to give it a try (the reason for the weigh-in). Tracking my food on a daily basis is going to be the hardest habit to form, but I'll get there if I keep at it.


  • USMC1968
    USMC1968 Posts: 62 Member
    Semper Fi... do it Marine... :) good Luck and don't look back... I have just started MFP and have lost 5 lbs this week... feel better, and look better :) You can do it... we did USMC boot camp... this should be easy :)
  • darkfireastro
    darkfireastro Posts: 1 Member
    I started MFP about 5 weeks ago after being directed here by the nutrionist at the VA MOVE program. I've lost about 20 pounds just eating healthy balance of carbs, proteins and fats. I weighed 370 when I started. I know I have a long road ahead, but I am ready to do it this time.

    Entering the log becomes a habit after awhile. Instead of eating my food and then logging it, I enter what I plan to eat first so I can see if I am within my limits. Then I eat. This keeps me from "accidentally" eating too much.

    Semper Fi
  • gungho66
    gungho66 Posts: 284 Member
    We have a gift that many only wish they could attain , we are strong ,dedicated and naturally fearless. We know nothing of the world failure , for that is not an option. We are lean , mean and green and I never want to hear the words maybe or i think but rather I can and I will! No mission is impossible for we are the UNITED STATES MARINES! SEMPER FI -OOOOOOHRAH
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    Semper Fi, Marines! I am still active duty, and without MFP I would probably be on BCP (Body Composition Program) for being over my max weight. In a matter of 6 months I was able to safely and consistently lose over 35 pounds and keep it off. All it takes is to make it routine. Muscle memory, just like everything else in the Corps. Good luck.

    Gung Ho- your comment makes me want to go re-enlist right now.
  • KeithBarrows
    KeithBarrows Posts: 34 Member
    Semper Fi. I should check in here on MFP forums more often!