Cooking from scratch



  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    yes the slow cooker is a godsend- nothing like a chicken carcass simmering for hours for stick- then soup!
  • AGGUK73
    AGGUK73 Posts: 91 Member
    I NEVER cook from scratch......however my hubby does most days :wink:
    How lucky am I :laugh:
  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69
    I always cook from scratch, the only ready meal I buy is Sainsbury be good to yourself meal, I freeze them and when I forgot or no time to make lunch, I will fish them out, so I have them maybe once or twice a month. Most of my food is stir fried (being Chinese) and I also use Anna Richardson and Hairy Dieters cook book.
  • sarahlou1045
    I cook 6 nights out of 7, I say I cook everything from scratch but I do chuck oven chips in a couple of times a week to bulk out the OH's meals if i'm just having salad.
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    I cook a lot of meals from scratch - I do sometimes rely on frozen chips, but i also make what a lot of people refer to as slimming world chips. since being off work, i do a lot more cooking now and freeze any leftovers :)
  • pboroaddick
    pboroaddick Posts: 29 Member
    Most of the time I cook from scratch. I have entered half a dozen recipes which sit in my recipe box. There does not seem anyway to view users recipes on the site. Would be good if we could all learn from others recipes. I'm ok for anyone to add as a friend.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    yes that really annoying about being unable to share reciipes - my OH has started this programme too and it would be so helpful he just has to upload the quick cals i tell him !
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm just starting to try and cook from scratch. Not the best cook, but I do like to try. I would be grateful for any tips, recipes, etc! Please feel free to add me as a friend anyone.
  • ruthio77
    ruthio77 Posts: 52 Member
    I cook most of our meals from scratch and am always trawling the internet for new ideas!

    I also always make extra as my hubby works away in the week and i wave him off on a monday morning with premade curries, casseroles, lasagnes etc etc. There is nearly always something random in there too that may not be easily identifiable!

    I often make a big batch of Tarka Daal on a Monday and take that to work for lunches each day, or for a quick meal in the evening if i can't be bothered!

    I am loving the Hairy Dieters program at the mo, tried the Skinny Beef Lasagne last week, and will be giving the sweet and sour a go tomorrow!

    Feel free to add me

  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
    I do a lot of home cooking, starting from scratch. I'm a great fan of cooking in bulk and freezing for ease and to save time..
    Loving the hairy dieters show! I think I might get the book, thinking of trying that casoullet next
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    I just read in the paper that The Hairy Bikers book has become an instant best seller- if those guys can lose 3 stone each hopefully more Brits can!
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    I cook everything from scratch, I bought the hairy dieters book last week and since starting I have lost 5 lbs. the recipes are easy and so far each one I have tried has been delicious, also a lot of them are already pre programmed in to mfp
  • curvfifi
    At risk of looking like a 'Me too!', but I cook from scratch too!

    It tastes so much better than most convenience food, and a lot cheaper and healthier too. The only trouble is, I like it and have indulged over the last couple of years a bit too much!

    I'm just starting the intermittent fasting after watching the Horizon programme the other week, and so far (only 3rd day in, 2nd fast day today!) I feel great and a sneaky peek on the scales show a significant loss, so I am happy.

    Please feel free to add me too :-)
  • jumadey
    jumadey Posts: 60 Member

    I cook the majority of my meals from scratch. Sometimes convenience wins, and I find myself buying a Shapers lunch from Boots but I prefer being able to control what's goes in my food (especially salt).

    Sounds like i might have to check this hairy dieters cookbook!!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I cook all our meals from scratch, BBC Good Food is a favourite site for me so most of the food in my diary is from there. Feel free to add me as a friend is you want :) Judging by your username I don't live very far from you, I'm in West Sussex.

    I :heart: the BBC Good Food site!! I will make something from the BBC Good Food website for lunch most days. Feel free to browse my diary as it's open :bigsmile:
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    I also make my own frozen ready meals... as in, When im making something such as a casserole, spaghetti Bolognaise or anything, if there is excess, instead of it going to waste, or being shared out, i put it in a container and freeze it, so that next time, when i cant be bothered cooking, its there ready for reheating - at the moment i have virtually a full Sunday lunch, some chicken kebabs, and a beef curry - I know exactly what's in it, because i made it!

    As for ones you buy from the supermarket, they baffle me, as they tend to taste quite sweet or salty! When i used to eat them, I'd look on the plate and think... i KNOW that's a piece of chicken there.... but it doesn't TASTE anything like chicken??! what on earth have they done to it?!

    I love BBC Good Food, I went to the Good Food Show a few years ago and Gordon Ramsay (Gorgeous Gordy) wafted past me, and shook my hand... it remains unwashed to this day... :laugh:
  • Velvet23
    Hi from a newbie. I cook all my meals from scratch - always have. But since we've been counting the calories, I too am freezing what we don't need. I estimate I'll soon have enough to take a week off from cooking at all - just defrost my own "ready meals". I have loads of easy to make recipes if any-one is looking for something different. Tonight I'm making a chicken jalfrezi which will give a total of 486 calories per portion when served with a bag of Tesco frozen microwave rice
  • Velvet23
    @ ketchup38. Have made the Cassoulet from the Hairy Dieters Cookbook - it really is yummy & well worth the work you need to put into it. Complete meal in one pot :happy:
  • ladylemoncurd
    Hi I cook everything from scratch too. It's healthier and its cheaper, plus it tastes much better. No brainer for me really. Though my husband loves processed stuff too. His idea of fine dining is a fray bentos pie and a packet of smash :o)
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    I cook everything from scratch - my food diary reads more like a shopping or ingredient list than actual meals.