Hi there

airica88 Posts: 6 Member
Hello! I just joined the group today! I am really excited to get and try to give some motivation because, let's face it, doing this alone SUCKS! I just graduated college so I am looking to drop the weight I gained there and then some of the weight that was there before!

We can do this!


  • nunat919
    nunat919 Posts: 122 Member
    I completely understand! I gained weight after my surgery and before i knew it...Boom! WE can do this
  • I just graduated college also! Been sitting around on my butt all summer gaining weight while looking for a job.. haha. Good luck on your journey- I just joined this site a week ago, I'll add you! =)
  • It feels like I just graduated too, but sadly it has been over 4 years. We can definitely do this! I think in the working world if you have a sedentary job, you need to make even more of an effort to get exercise. Our bodies are just not meant to sit for 8-10 hours strait.

    Good luck with your new job or your job search!
  • airica88
    airica88 Posts: 6 Member
    Huge thanks to all of you. It's nice to know people actually know how I feel! If any of you need some encouragement let me know! I am hear for ya. I have been using this site more and more and its actually all starting to click. Its feeling good. I love the challenges. Are any of you doing any you love?
  • dangitsjill
    dangitsjill Posts: 68 Member
    Hi!! I feel your frustration/pain. I graduated in 2011 and instead of losing weight, have only gained more thanks to grad school. Feel free to add me and we can chat :)
  • jerbear312
    jerbear312 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I haven't graduated college, but I graduated high school 2 years ago, and since then I have gained 100 pounds. I would love for you ladies to add me so we can motivate each other! It is just all to easy to start eating and exercising right and then suddenly lose all of your confidence and energy and let it all slip away again.
  • I am looking to lose another 20-25 lbs. I have already lost 46lbs and looking for some support on the last stretch of my weight loss journey. Just joined this site tonight....hope it provides some encouragement.
  • newme1850
    newme1850 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a 27 yr old working professional and in grad school part-time now. I have about 50 lbs to lose, and I'm looking for support. Good look to everyone :)